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» Jul 2006 «

Right !!
My plan is to meet up at Brighton Pier dressed as a Pirate.
I have an inflatable dinghy which I will attempt to sail.
This is probably illegal, but I shall attempt it anyway for peoples amusement.
I'll go to another shop and buy a random gift, and then hand it out to a complete stranger who I think is the most deserving.
I'm hoping to get lots of people off random websites dressed as Pirates for this to do the same, but so far not much has come through, so here's hoping B3TA can deliver :o)
Hope to see you there.
Sat 15 Jul 2006, 14:00
Brighton Pier Mouth
Nice And Helpful Pirates Invade Brighton
Going: tangentboy strikes again (1 people).
( , Wed 14 Jun 2006, 15:24,
Brighton Pier Mouth
Nice And Helpful Pirates Invade Brighton
Going: tangentboy strikes again (1 people).
» Jul 2006 «