b3ta.com challenge: a product for a b3ta catalog
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This is a challengeA Product for a B3ta Catalog (This challenge is now closed)

a product for a b3ta catalog

We want you to make a product for a B3ta shop. download the template and then submit it to the board. Woo and indeed yay!

(Fri 15 Feb 2002, 13:24)
Pages: 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# An update of Mike's idea...

I don't know if it qualifies for this weeks Challenge, but I'm entering it, because I think it looks not too bad.
(, Sat 16 Feb 2002, 10:01, More)
# Irritate your friends!

(, Sat 16 Feb 2002, 9:15, More)
# <b></b>

(, Sat 16 Feb 2002, 6:00, More)
# Latest from Nokia - I'll have two please

(, Sat 16 Feb 2002, 3:54, More)
# Too rude? Hope not.

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 20:47, More)
# one last attempt

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 19:28, More)
# FurEx

as elton john would say... MALE! ooh a poodle! Divine!
(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 19:26, More)

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 17:25, More)
# Rather vague
b3ta presents the Unwanted American Cartoon Characters Collection. Be forewarned, it also subjects you to some American-style advertisement near the end, in the style of "Make the customer feel worthless so they'll purchase twelve of these to fill the gaping hole in their pathetic, worthless soul."
(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 14:14, More)
# Ifs and butts...

...for mutts
(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 14:03, More)

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 10:01, More)
# My Dad's 65 this weekend
and I want to get him one of these:

This is Houston, ready for launch. 5 .. 4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 .. the stairlift has cleared the tower
(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 9:40, More)
# catalogue

His secret is that he has a dextrous neck.
(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 9:13, More)
# You need one of these

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 9:00, More)
# This would be a big-seller....

I'd buy it.
(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 8:52, More)
# A deposit
from me.

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 8:31, More)
# i only get one idea a month
cover me in jam and call me mary

and this is it. Crap I know.
(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 8:28, More)
# woo...f

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 8:28, More)
# &nbsp;

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 7:50, More)
# Challenge: A product for a B3ta Catalog

(, Fri 15 Feb 2002, 7:26, More)
Pages: 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)