b3ta.com challenge: heath robinson a go go
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Home » Image Challenge » Heath Robinson a Go Go  [Suggest a different challenge]

This is a challengeHeath Robinson a Go Go (This challenge is now closed)

heath robinson a go go

We want you to take inspiration from the wonderful Heath Robinson and make the most complicated machines to perform the simplest of tasks. Post your wonderful creations on the messageboard.

(Fri 23 Jul 2004, 10:49)
Pages: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the latest posts)
# time machine
(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 23:26, More)
# I fail to see what's wrong with
a pencil hanging in the booth.

I apologise for it being rough as shit.
(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 22:39, More)
# One way of getting a screenshot

Sorry for the crap seamness
(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 19:11, More)
# All that time and money for...

The politicians certainly got egg on their face.
(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 18:57, More)
# Creationism explained

(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 15:37, More)

(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 14:38, More)
# meh...
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 14:08, More)
# eeeeeh, what will they think of next?

(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 12:47, More)
# The simplest of tasks

(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 10:17, More)
# kinda obvious really...

(, Sun 25 Jul 2004, 9:01, More)
# Ingenious, eh?

CFB more legible version

The state-of-the-art helmet transmits the tune playing
in the back of your mind AND your current mood to your T-shirt!
The clothing of tomorrow, today.
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 22:39, More)
# last one for the day
and about time too, i'm completely out of ideas and ink

(as a bonus, it's wide and has crappy compression - hooray!)
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 22:06, More)
# I knew the day would come..
When an appropriate compo came along for me to post this...

The Kitchen Maid(TM)
Chops Lemons.
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 21:00, More)
# Did you ever wonder where the early morning mist on lakes comes from?

click for hugity

It takes a lot of research to get it right.
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 20:59, More)
# Kensington the Mouse

Find out how to build your own here

Sorry guys, had a bit of html trouble
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 20:40, More)
# How The Wireless Internet Works

(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 20:34, More)
# too much 'free' time =
this monstrosity

it makes no sense to me, either
(electritioneers assure me this is dangerous and would not work, hence the entire concept is flawed. oh well, its got some pretty colours!)
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 19:03, More)
# relief at last!
ok: hands up who thought this might have been some sort of 'marital aid'.
smaller, more powerful, the all-new itch-b-gone 3000—it's a boon!

cfb cos biggerer is betterer
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 18:57, More)
# god tries his hand at invention

it's a bit of an epic, so I've linked it.
(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 18:44, More)
# I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this...

(, Sat 24 Jul 2004, 17:04, More)
Pages: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the latest posts)