b3ta.com challenge: t-shirt
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This is a challengeT-Shirt (This challenge is now closed)


What should be on a T-Shirt? Please download the template, use your brain/photoshop and submit it to the board. The chap making B3ta T-Shirts might actually make it ...

(Fri 22 Mar 2002, 14:58)
Pages: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# Monty Python Style

(, Sun 24 Mar 2002, 7:58, More)
# McDonalds demonstrate their respect for vegetarians, and faith in GM safety

(, Sun 24 Mar 2002, 7:05, More)
# sorry........

(, Sun 24 Mar 2002, 6:50, More)
# Shirt #4: The "Tour Memorabilia"
Got me a season ticket to hell riding on this one... credit to the logo designers and original DQ finder.



(, Sun 24 Mar 2002, 5:11, More)
# Disappointment

(, Sun 24 Mar 2002, 5:05, More)
# Shirt #3: The "Eco-Warrior"

(, Sun 24 Mar 2002, 2:55, More)
# My idea

and my own woo yay gif

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 23:37, More)
# Based on my roommate
My roommate is creepy, he was once confronted by someone who claimed he was 'pessimistic'.
His reply: "I'm not pessimistic, I just hate you all"

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 22:39, More)
# how about this

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 20:54, More)
# Vandalise this pencil neck
The birds think it's morning

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 20:49, More)
# One for the goths

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 20:43, More)
# Shirt #2:T(ourette)-Shirt

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 20:34, More)
# just got back from the pub with this idea on my mind

an anti-funny-tshirt-message-funny-tshirt-message. does it work as a concept? probably not...

and thankyou to tomsk for describing me as an army of yay- my ego will love you for ever!
(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 20:21, More)
# on the 'woo' tip...

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 20:03, More)
# Shirt #1: Geek

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 20:02, More)
# Brought to you by the Vatican

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 19:46, More)
# (Front Only)

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 19:14, More)
# Empathy....

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 18:44, More)
# You know you wanna....

(Morning, DaWolfey)
(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 18:34, More)
# 'ere's a new one

(, Sat 23 Mar 2002, 18:34, More)
Pages: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)