christianity is a solar cult ( sun dieties derived from Horus etc)
(Jesus begins his work at 30 and dies at 33 as do 16 previous other christ figures throughout history - this is because the sun rises on the 30th degree parallel and sets on the 33 degree )
the bible is full of astro-theology
Masons refer to the 'temple of Solomon' the exoteric meaning ( Soloman is the word sun in three languages SOL, OM and ON (egyptian)) this is the true esoteric meaning as there never was an actual temple
*Islam (associated with venus - hence green in their flags) worships the black square , Saturn (EL) - ( the Phoenician Caananites worshipped El)
is were we get words like 'E'lectiorate and 'el'ite from and the black robes of Judges etc and the motar board hat of graduates (black square)
* might be bollocks
( , Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:34, Reply)