Dear Jonathon, you manky old spunker, its great that you have published your work in a public forum, i'm sure when you go down to sign on to the sex offenders register each week they will be pleased to see that you are taking your law breaking antics seriously. i'm also glad that the next time you are in court for dragging your decrepid old ball sack over some innocent teenager, the court will have a charicture reference of how you haven't learned your lesson and indeed laugh at the law.
anyway you talentless fat wanker, i have to go busy myself posting your charming video on as many anti paedo vigilanty sites as I can whilst also searching for your address.
good luck with the lynch mob, I hope they go at your genitals with a belt sander and some TCP before jamming a hot poker up your arse sideways you fat degenerate cunt, why don't you just kill yourself.
( , Tue 13 May 2008, 13:34, Reply)