Id say the guy at the front is standing upright, therefore h as no balance. It takes almost no effort to know him over. The guys are all connected so the energy is transferred exactly like a newton cage (you know those balls lined up on an executives desk) which is why the guy at the back is knocked backwards. AS for 3in shove, I'd agree, but hitting through you're target is essential in full contact martial arts. He also says the power of the punch comes from the feet, which I'd consider misleading. The power may well start there but it comes from the whole body working as one. Theres also the age old problem of what I callmartial arts-itis. If you're told one connecting strike can knock you out.when you get hit the shock will k.o.you.take aikido. The master teaches the students how to fall so in a class the moves appear to work really easily. The reality is unless you are extremely proficient at it it's unlikely to work
Thanks for the vid, it was still quite interesting
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 10:14, Reply)

Now, Aikido is something I know a little about. The only reason that students are taught to fall is so they don't get bones broken and/or joints dilocated etc.
Having used Aikido in 'close-range interpersonal crisis management' I can vouch for its effectiveness on those who DON'T know how to absorb the technique and fall safely.
having said that, there are several 'McDojos' I've visited where the teaching is less than satisfactory.
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 11:28, Reply)