michalengo only painted the sistine chapel on a commison from the catholich church who needed something to pull people in closer....incidently he was tired of painting and actually wanted to make statues, and he sort of took it on a "oh ok then, ill use the cash to make scultpures once im done"
now im not saying we make anything of the same quality, but if the rule is: that if you take money from a corporation to make something creative, that drives people towards it, then that is evil, then i have to say it, but fuck bill hicks.
we wouldnt know about him now if it wasnt for televised performances (technically advertising for tv networks) etc....
yes advertising makes people see brands and big bad corporations (that we all need) in a nicer light, and that could be percieved evil, but to use the michalengo allusion again...are we saying that the catholic church isn't evil?
its almost impossible to make something creative without at somepoint taking money from a "bad guy"
its not my job to police the world, its my job to come with good ideas...
( , Sat 4 Jun 2011, 14:33, Reply)