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This is a question Evil Pranks

As a student Joel Veitch attached a hose from the sink into my bed. I slowly woke thinking I'd pissed myself. I had the last laugh though. He had to pay for my ruined mattress.

What's the most evil prank you've ever played on someone?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2007, 14:01)
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Outragous taxi fares
In my younger days, I was frequently outraged at the obscene mark up in taxi fares should my friends and I wish to travel from Liverpool city centre to the heart of plastic scousism- The Wirral.

(The mark up of 15 quid seemed to be due to the taxi man having to pay the £1.30 toll when traveling through the Mersey tunnel.)

After an especially boozy Saturday night out my friends and I devised a fiendish plan to avenge the taxi men's greedy ways.

around 0230 we made our way to the 1st black cab in the taxi rank and asked- "how much to take us through the tunnel mate?"

the predictable "20 quid mate" was taxi man #1's response.

In an attempt to bargain with him we collectively offered him "a fiver and we'll let you suck each of us off" naturally he declined.

we proceeded to make this offer and receive various refusals all along the taxi rank until we got to taxi man # 8.

Me - "how much to cross the water mate?"

Taxi man # 8 - "20 quid lads"

Me- "alright mate, Birkenhead please."

Me and my mates bundled into the back of the taxi, grinning and waving enthusiastically to the previously propositioned taxi men as taxi man # 8 drove past.

I have no idea if our plan worked, but lets face it, who would ever have believed that he hadn't.

fail:safe aka beard of destiny.
(, Sat 15 Dec 2007, 19:17, 4 replies)

Stop recycling old stories and jokes pls k thx bi.
(, Sat 15 Dec 2007, 21:51, closed)
That One
Is older than I am. When I heard it, it was supposed to be the airport at Las Vegas. An you're supposed to put your thumbs up to the other drivers.
(, Sun 16 Dec 2007, 0:42, closed)
i cant believe legless of all people is calling bullshit on a story...
(, Sun 16 Dec 2007, 6:26, closed)
Why do we need more...
of the Legless is a bullshitter hate.
(, Thu 20 Dec 2007, 11:13, closed)

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