Profile for rob:
Hello, I'm Rob Manuel, co-founder of B3ta.
Being a needy twat I like Twitter:
Before you message me, please make sure your suggestion isn't best covered in the below list.
Newsletter submission?
Report a troll? Use the mailus form and select 'messageboard stuff'.
Not got your icon? Use the mailus form and select 'messageboard stuff'
Idea for QOTW?
Idea for image challenge?
Bugs with the site? Or feature request?
Top tip idea?
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 23 years, 6 months and 11 days
- has posted 23370 messages on the main board
- (of which 66 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 10880 messages on the talk board
- has posted 2390 messages on the links board
- (including 171 links)
- has posted 140 stories and 220 replies on question of the week
- They liked 4774 pictures, 1703 links, 398 talk posts, and 1256 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
- Ignore this user
- Add this user as a friend
- send me a message
Hello, I'm Rob Manuel, co-founder of B3ta.
Being a needy twat I like Twitter:
Before you message me, please make sure your suggestion isn't best covered in the below list.
Newsletter submission?
Report a troll? Use the mailus form and select 'messageboard stuff'.
Not got your icon? Use the mailus form and select 'messageboard stuff'
Idea for QOTW?
Idea for image challenge?
Bugs with the site? Or feature request?
Top tip idea?
Recent front page messages:
"Dominic Cumt is feeling down in the dumps because everyone thinks he's a right cumt"
Click for bigger (1377 kb)
(Mon 29th Jun 2020, 9:25, More)

(Mon 29th Jun 2020, 9:25, More)
Been reading old computer mags recently I felt compelled to create my own advert for an imaginary mail order computer games shop in 1985

(Sat 9th Jun 2018, 18:30, More)

(Sat 9th Jun 2018, 18:30, More)
What's been in my head since I was a child on seeing this LP
I don't have the skills to do it justice - if anyone wants to animate Lou Reed turning into a truck I'd be very happy

(Wed 9th May 2018, 7:57, More)
I don't have the skills to do it justice - if anyone wants to animate Lou Reed turning into a truck I'd be very happy

(Wed 9th May 2018, 7:57, More)
Freelancer? Flexitime? Self-employed? It’s time to play “working from home bingo”.

10 points for every one you tick off.
(Sun 8th Apr 2018, 20:37, More)

10 points for every one you tick off.
(Sun 8th Apr 2018, 20:37, More)
Fuck knows - playing with a comic creator program

Click for bigger (178 kb)
(Tue 29th Jan 2013, 16:11, More)

Click for bigger (178 kb)
(Tue 29th Jan 2013, 16:11, More)
RIP printmeister - I just received this email

EDIT: I'll FP this thread - please post your tributes here.
(Thu 20th Dec 2012, 17:33, More)

EDIT: I'll FP this thread - please post your tributes here.
(Thu 20th Dec 2012, 17:33, More)
Valin tribute thread
Happytoast suggested it would be a good idea to FP a post of Valin's as a tribute and as a place for you to add your comments. Good idea.

(Fri 14th Oct 2011, 18:45, More)
Happytoast suggested it would be a good idea to FP a post of Valin's as a tribute and as a place for you to add your comments. Good idea.

(Fri 14th Oct 2011, 18:45, More)
nooo! don't do it pluggy!

(Wed 19th Mar 2008, 20:27, More)

(Wed 19th Mar 2008, 20:27, More)

grrr. the ascii is too long to stick on the board. not fair.
EDIT: Click for texty
(Tue 1st Apr 2003, 15:12, More)

grrr. the ascii is too long to stick on the board. not fair.
EDIT: Click for texty
(Tue 1st Apr 2003, 15:12, More)
I made this 2 years ago
when we were thinking about starting b3ta. The idea? "Celebrate the best stuff on the web."
(Thu 26th Dec 2002, 21:08, More)
when we were thinking about starting b3ta. The idea? "Celebrate the best stuff on the web."
(Thu 26th Dec 2002, 21:08, More)
I made this wallpaper for myself really. Dunno what you lot will think

Download 400k png version.
(Fri 28th Jun 2002, 12:25, More)

Download 400k png version.
(Fri 28th Jun 2002, 12:25, More)
Coz I'm bored. here is my idea for mantel pies phone ad.

-- a repeatable format too. Lots of dressed up phones making personal statements. And that's what the 2nd/3rd generation of phone buyers are about. Making statements. Yadda yadda.
(Thu 6th Jun 2002, 18:09, More)

-- a repeatable format too. Lots of dressed up phones making personal statements. And that's what the 2nd/3rd generation of phone buyers are about. Making statements. Yadda yadda.
(Thu 6th Jun 2002, 18:09, More)
but i've already blogged it ...
... anyway. I'm very sad. I've actually sat there and counted links from clickthrus from images VS text. Text wins. By a fucking mile.
(Fri 12th Apr 2002, 22:55, More)
... anyway. I'm very sad. I've actually sat there and counted links from clickthrus from images VS text. Text wins. By a fucking mile.
(Fri 12th Apr 2002, 22:55, More)
pumpkin (not my pic. but I like it)
(Mon 4th Feb 2002, 6:35, More) (not my pic. but I like it)
(Mon 4th Feb 2002, 6:35, More)
You couldn't make it up

This is a photo from a German production of a new musical based upon the life of Princess Diana.
She's arguing with Camilla Parker Bowles - in German.
Read the full story.
(Sun 11th Nov 2001, 10:00, More)

This is a photo from a German production of a new musical based upon the life of Princess Diana.
She's arguing with Camilla Parker Bowles - in German.
Read the full story.
(Sun 11th Nov 2001, 10:00, More)
Tom from has directed us to these amazing pictures.

This is the tongue of German schoolgirl Annika Irmler. She is 12 years old.
Has b3ta found it's Queen?
(Fri 9th Nov 2001, 10:07, More)
Tom from has directed us to these amazing pictures.

This is the tongue of German schoolgirl Annika Irmler. She is 12 years old.
Has b3ta found it's Queen?
(Fri 9th Nov 2001, 10:07, More)
Lawrence-3PO (via Chris the Hairy)

He says, "...has just realised that the sculpture doesn't go with the wallpaper."
(Thu 8th Nov 2001, 12:02, More)

He says, "...has just realised that the sculpture doesn't go with the wallpaper."
(Thu 8th Nov 2001, 12:02, More)
Link Challenge: What are the classic mpeg videos?
We're looking to put together another top 10 list... of the best mpeg videos. You know - monkey drinking pee etc.
What should be in the list?
(Wed 31st Oct 2001, 3:31, More)
We're looking to put together another top 10 list... of the best mpeg videos. You know - monkey drinking pee etc.
What should be in the list?
(Wed 31st Oct 2001, 3:31, More)
and another (via the same chappy)

he says, "Hello, its me 'Fishinsect' again. I just sent you a photo of Pete
'sexcarrot in a warehouse, with illfitting shoes' a short while ago.
Heres another."
(Mon 29th Oct 2001, 14:25, More)

he says, "Hello, its me 'Fishinsect' again. I just sent you a photo of Pete
'sexcarrot in a warehouse, with illfitting shoes' a short while ago.
Heres another."
(Mon 29th Oct 2001, 14:25, More)
Best answers to questions:
» B3ta Person of the Year 2010
Julian Assange
Vote for this and we won't switch it to some twat from Facebook at the last minute.
Although knowing B3ta I imagine Brian Blessed is probably going to win. Or Jeremy the Horse.
For the why?
* For reminding us of that exciting moment in the 90s when geeks got together and muttered, "OMG. The internet will change everything."
* For living out a story better than any fiction that I've read out in yonks.
* For giving us crazy shit to read. I recommend to anyone who's run a website to read the mailing list stuff that an ex wikileak person leaked from when they were setting up the site in 2006/7. These people are geeks arguing about logos. This is what my life is like - except mine doesn't involve mind boggling plans to change governments using a truth bomb.
* For getting himself arrested on (possibly) rape charges for what amounts to shagging the fans. Long term b3tans will remember the lesson of John [*1]. Never, ever, shag the fans.
* For creating the real world theater that shows us how the world works. Hippies go, "it's a fascist dictatorship man" but when you've got the US Airforce closing down access to the Guardian newspaper - this is literally the actions of fascism. The world has been given a mirror and it's ugly.
* For making me believe that the Guardian newspaper is something worth fighting for. Balls of steel. They should have a tip jar where we could give them money or something coz it's not like I want to buy the actual paper as it's all papery, and paywalls just remove you from public debate, so yeah, a big "IF YOU LOVE US, SUPPORT US" button.
* For being a twat who turns up in comedy rap videos. Osama never did this.
[*1 Name changed to protect the innocent etc]
(Thu 16th Dec 2010, 10:55, More)
Julian Assange
Vote for this and we won't switch it to some twat from Facebook at the last minute.
Although knowing B3ta I imagine Brian Blessed is probably going to win. Or Jeremy the Horse.
For the why?
* For reminding us of that exciting moment in the 90s when geeks got together and muttered, "OMG. The internet will change everything."
* For living out a story better than any fiction that I've read out in yonks.
* For giving us crazy shit to read. I recommend to anyone who's run a website to read the mailing list stuff that an ex wikileak person leaked from when they were setting up the site in 2006/7. These people are geeks arguing about logos. This is what my life is like - except mine doesn't involve mind boggling plans to change governments using a truth bomb.
* For getting himself arrested on (possibly) rape charges for what amounts to shagging the fans. Long term b3tans will remember the lesson of John [*1]. Never, ever, shag the fans.
* For creating the real world theater that shows us how the world works. Hippies go, "it's a fascist dictatorship man" but when you've got the US Airforce closing down access to the Guardian newspaper - this is literally the actions of fascism. The world has been given a mirror and it's ugly.
* For making me believe that the Guardian newspaper is something worth fighting for. Balls of steel. They should have a tip jar where we could give them money or something coz it's not like I want to buy the actual paper as it's all papery, and paywalls just remove you from public debate, so yeah, a big "IF YOU LOVE US, SUPPORT US" button.
* For being a twat who turns up in comedy rap videos. Osama never did this.
[*1 Name changed to protect the innocent etc]
(Thu 16th Dec 2010, 10:55, More)
» My Wanking Disasters
i've noticed a few comments going, "Where's your story Rob?"
Ok. I set the question. It's only fair I humiliate myself in public too.
I was 13 and full of the joys of youthful self-abuse. Nothing would stop me. I'd have a wank in the shower in the morning. Nip home from school, slip in a quick lunchtime wank. Get home after school, and I'd normally find time for a fast tug in the ad-break in Home & Away.
Basically I'm saying I liked wanking - and here comes the shame.
Me and my parents were in the car off to visit my gran. Things got a little tense - as they do when you're a sulky teenage boy at war with the world.
I can't remember what my Dad said, but retorted by calling him a wanker. I was pretty impressed with myself. I'd never been quite that rude to a parent before.
My mother - to her enternal credit - turns in her seat and goes, "No Rob. You're the wanker."
The journey was pretty much silent after that.
(Wed 2nd Jun 2004, 16:45, More)
i've noticed a few comments going, "Where's your story Rob?"
Ok. I set the question. It's only fair I humiliate myself in public too.
I was 13 and full of the joys of youthful self-abuse. Nothing would stop me. I'd have a wank in the shower in the morning. Nip home from school, slip in a quick lunchtime wank. Get home after school, and I'd normally find time for a fast tug in the ad-break in Home & Away.
Basically I'm saying I liked wanking - and here comes the shame.
Me and my parents were in the car off to visit my gran. Things got a little tense - as they do when you're a sulky teenage boy at war with the world.
I can't remember what my Dad said, but retorted by calling him a wanker. I was pretty impressed with myself. I'd never been quite that rude to a parent before.
My mother - to her enternal credit - turns in her seat and goes, "No Rob. You're the wanker."
The journey was pretty much silent after that.
(Wed 2nd Jun 2004, 16:45, More)
» Political Correctness Gone Mad
B3ta VS The Mail on Sunday
Seeing as it's Daily Mail week on B3ta, here's a little story from the secret history of this site.
About three years ago a journalist got in touch and asked to use an image from the board to help illustrate the story - I passed on the details to the boarder and it all was fine.
The jouno is very pleased about how this goes and gets in touch to suggest we sort out something regular.
This turns out to be a journalist at The Mail on Sunday. I figure, why not? The boarders whose work gets selected aren't going to turn down the £100 are they? Well, if they do, it's their choice.
Anyway, B3ta getting pics into the heart of The Mail? It's just funny. And sure to go wrong.
We don't mention this on the front page as "B3ta do deal with the Daily Mail" isn't really a story we want doing the rounds, anyway we hadn't - we'd just said we'd informally pass on contact details if they wanted to get the rights to use something, like we would with anyone who got in touch.
So the first pic goes in. And guess what happens?
A random boarder notices, ignores that the image is credited, doesn't bother contacting me or actual owner of the image, they just post on the board that The Mail is stealing board pics. The board then digs out the journalists email address and sticks that on the board too.
So the first I hear of it is the journalist complaining that he's recieved 50 or 60 personal emails calling him a rapist, scum sucking whore bitch, and a theif.
So of course, the one time a news organisation attempts to play it right by B3ta they get a shit load of personal abuse and gives up.
Way to go B3tans!
(Thu 22nd Nov 2007, 14:06, More)
B3ta VS The Mail on Sunday
Seeing as it's Daily Mail week on B3ta, here's a little story from the secret history of this site.
About three years ago a journalist got in touch and asked to use an image from the board to help illustrate the story - I passed on the details to the boarder and it all was fine.
The jouno is very pleased about how this goes and gets in touch to suggest we sort out something regular.
This turns out to be a journalist at The Mail on Sunday. I figure, why not? The boarders whose work gets selected aren't going to turn down the £100 are they? Well, if they do, it's their choice.
Anyway, B3ta getting pics into the heart of The Mail? It's just funny. And sure to go wrong.
We don't mention this on the front page as "B3ta do deal with the Daily Mail" isn't really a story we want doing the rounds, anyway we hadn't - we'd just said we'd informally pass on contact details if they wanted to get the rights to use something, like we would with anyone who got in touch.
So the first pic goes in. And guess what happens?
A random boarder notices, ignores that the image is credited, doesn't bother contacting me or actual owner of the image, they just post on the board that The Mail is stealing board pics. The board then digs out the journalists email address and sticks that on the board too.
So the first I hear of it is the journalist complaining that he's recieved 50 or 60 personal emails calling him a rapist, scum sucking whore bitch, and a theif.
So of course, the one time a news organisation attempts to play it right by B3ta they get a shit load of personal abuse and gives up.
Way to go B3tans!
(Thu 22nd Nov 2007, 14:06, More)
» I met a weirdo on the interweb
This very QOTW came about with a chat with Fraser and Chthonic in the pub.
We were there to discuss "ideas for image challenges and QOTWs for B3ta."
Someone suggested "I met a weirdo on the interweb ..." and I looked about the table and said, "er... I only know you two guys because of B3ta."
There was a small silence, then a bit of laughter, then general agreement that it was a good question for you lot.
(Tue 21st Mar 2006, 2:21, More)
This very QOTW came about with a chat with Fraser and Chthonic in the pub.
We were there to discuss "ideas for image challenges and QOTWs for B3ta."
Someone suggested "I met a weirdo on the interweb ..." and I looked about the table and said, "er... I only know you two guys because of B3ta."
There was a small silence, then a bit of laughter, then general agreement that it was a good question for you lot.
(Tue 21st Mar 2006, 2:21, More)
» Pretentious bollocks
The Greatest Living Artist of his Generation
About 8 years ago I had a bit of a turn and thought I'd re-invent myself from a web page monkey into "The Greatest Living Artist of his Generation."
I photoshopped up X-rays of my arse with objects shoved up them. Did an alphabet, "A is for abacus" etc. Printed it on acetate and backlit it. I titled it, "My arse, a retrospective. A retrosepctive, my arse."
I sort to follow on from my fantastically successful first exhibition (er.. Insisting it was stuck on my mates wall, and sticking a 50k price tag on it.) with
* dreams of building a huge wicker Model T and filling it full of cars and burning it. Some kind of protest againts the Oil industry or something.
* a huge statue of me with my bronze cock out in the centre of Wolverhampton. "Portrait of an artist as a well hung man" It would spunk ball bearings on national holidays I think.
* there was definately something about getting my head on stamps. I remember posting letters to friends with my own stamps.
Then I calmed down a bit a realised I was being a pretentious twat and realised I could muck about on the web instead and we don't have to call it art, we can call it bollocks.
(Wed 28th Sep 2005, 14:54, More)
The Greatest Living Artist of his Generation
About 8 years ago I had a bit of a turn and thought I'd re-invent myself from a web page monkey into "The Greatest Living Artist of his Generation."
I photoshopped up X-rays of my arse with objects shoved up them. Did an alphabet, "A is for abacus" etc. Printed it on acetate and backlit it. I titled it, "My arse, a retrospective. A retrosepctive, my arse."
I sort to follow on from my fantastically successful first exhibition (er.. Insisting it was stuck on my mates wall, and sticking a 50k price tag on it.) with
* dreams of building a huge wicker Model T and filling it full of cars and burning it. Some kind of protest againts the Oil industry or something.
* a huge statue of me with my bronze cock out in the centre of Wolverhampton. "Portrait of an artist as a well hung man" It would spunk ball bearings on national holidays I think.
* there was definately something about getting my head on stamps. I remember posting letters to friends with my own stamps.
Then I calmed down a bit a realised I was being a pretentious twat and realised I could muck about on the web instead and we don't have to call it art, we can call it bollocks.
(Wed 28th Sep 2005, 14:54, More)