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This is a question Lies Your Parents Told You

I once overheard a neighbour use the phrase "nig nog". I asked my father what it meant. As quick as a flash he said, "It's a type of biscuit. A bit like a hobnob." Can you beat this? BTW: We're keeping this thread open for an extra week as we're enjoying the stories so much.

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:29)
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When my mum was a teenager, she was a proper hippy, telling peoples fortunes and looking at zodiacs and stuff. When I was ickle I asked my mum about a box of tarotcards she kept in the bureo. I wanted to have a look at them and my mum told me if I ever touched a single card, i would get cursed for the rest of my life. It might sound funny, but i still cant bring myself to touch the things over 10 years later. last year she lat my pagen friend look at them, the first glimse i ever saw of them (there lovely old ones) and when I asked why she never let me touch them (i still havent) she told me she didnt care if that friend was cursed. I believe her.
(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 21:28, Reply)

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