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This is a question Political Correctness Gone Mad

Freddy Woo writes: "I once worked on an animation to help highlight the issues homeless people face in winter. The client was happy with the work, then a note came back that the ethnic mix of the characters were wrong. These were cartoon characters. They weren't meant to be ethnically anything, but we were forced to make one of them brown, at the cost of about 10k to the charity. This is how your donations are spent. Wisely as you can see."

How has PC affected you? (Please add your own tales - not five-year-old news stories cut-and-pasted from other websites)

(, Thu 22 Nov 2007, 10:20)
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Bad just means needs more good.
I have just this week written a review of some training we delivered to some of our staff. It was designed specifically for those that were "performing sub-optimally" in a certain required area of their jobs. I wrote that one of the difficulties with the training is that the groups contained a cross-section of employees ths reducing its impact and effectiveness. I suggested that we would have been better "...selecting those staff who are consistently low performers..." in this area. I was made to change that line. It now reads "...staff who are most likely to gain maximum benefit from this form of support, learninig and development..."

Talk about calling a spade an "earth-inverting horticultural implement".
(, Fri 23 Nov 2007, 13:42, Reply)

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