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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Crappy Prizes
Whilst at University in Sheffield I managed to win my weight in baked beans - and Heinz at that!
Needless to say when the time came to step on the scales for the weigh in I accidently borrowed all the change off my friends to weigh me down and ensure I had the maximum number of cans to last me the rest of the year.
Yum yum.
(Fri 5th Aug 2005, 8:51, More)
Whilst at University in Sheffield I managed to win my weight in baked beans - and Heinz at that!
Needless to say when the time came to step on the scales for the weigh in I accidently borrowed all the change off my friends to weigh me down and ensure I had the maximum number of cans to last me the rest of the year.
Yum yum.
(Fri 5th Aug 2005, 8:51, More)
» Weddings
Shagged the bridesmaid
I was the bride's brother and she had her bridesmaids over for the night before. Obviously being a sexually frustrated 16 year old one of the bridesmaids (19) took me under her wing (literally) and proceeded to let me shag her all over the house at 4 am, including on top of the washing machine, on three couches, on the living room floor and then again the next night when I had to escort her to her room for being drunk.
Oh happy days!
(Mon 18th Jul 2005, 13:54, More)
Shagged the bridesmaid
I was the bride's brother and she had her bridesmaids over for the night before. Obviously being a sexually frustrated 16 year old one of the bridesmaids (19) took me under her wing (literally) and proceeded to let me shag her all over the house at 4 am, including on top of the washing machine, on three couches, on the living room floor and then again the next night when I had to escort her to her room for being drunk.
Oh happy days!
(Mon 18th Jul 2005, 13:54, More)
» Hidden Treasure
The misses and I moved into a house in Leeds last year and promptly removed the disgusting carpets the previous fat owners had leaked sweat all over.
In the lounge we found half an old metal license plate from a car screwed into one of the floorboards. Took it off - nothing underneath. Strange.
We later found the other half of the plate stashed away in the cellar.
(Thu 30th Jun 2005, 18:04, More)
The misses and I moved into a house in Leeds last year and promptly removed the disgusting carpets the previous fat owners had leaked sweat all over.
In the lounge we found half an old metal license plate from a car screwed into one of the floorboards. Took it off - nothing underneath. Strange.
We later found the other half of the plate stashed away in the cellar.
(Thu 30th Jun 2005, 18:04, More)