b3ta.com user mr chimp
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Profile for mr chimp:
Profile Info:

b3ta is the Alpha and The Omega. and the etc, etc.

This is me,

And I smell -
Much like

I can't do anything but draw pictures of a cat, George. For some reason people like him. Clicky here for a nice wallpaper of the fella. And here and here for a couple more.

A few pics of George:

Demonstrating his natural gift for stealth.

After a bath...

Hanging around. *groan*

George has a moral dilemma...

George in Heat

George beaten at the last hurdle.

Getting curious...

Practicing his suicide bombing technique.

Not George, but a failed crab romance. So sad.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Stupid Tourists

There's a small town near my home called Bungay, pronounced exactly how it looks.

Cue curious American couple asking me in work about Bungee.

'Nah, you mean Bungay mate.'

Disbelieved faces, slack jaws...


The middle-aged fellow of the couple flew into a rage at the 'STUPID FUCKING LIMEYS AND THEIR FAGGOT TOWNS!'
(Fri 8th Jul 2005, 18:25, More)

» Claims to Fame

It'll Never Work
I was on CBBC's 'Deliberately-Crap Inventions' programme 'It'll Never Work' in...ooh...about 1994, with my invention, the 'Move-A-Loo'. A portable toilet in a tartan rucksack on telescopic poles.

It got to the final, and I went along to the awards ceremony at a greasy spoon in East London. Patrick Moore sat on it when it was exhibited in the Science Museum, and complained there was no toilet roll.

It lost, to a suitcase. But no ordinary suitcase - OH NO! - A SUITCASE ON WHEELS. WHEELS! SUITCASES ALREADY HAVE WHEELS. THEY /DO/ WORK.

Fuck's sake.
(Sat 26th Feb 2005, 22:47, More)

» Lies Your Parents Told You

Don't you dare, boy...
On a similar note, my parents told me that if you ever said 'nigger' you'd get put in prison.

They also told me that kidney beans will kill you if you don't chew them 12 times.
(Fri 16th Jan 2004, 0:07, More)