Profile for MrSanity:
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- a member for 21 years, 7 months and 3 days
- has posted 24372 messages on the main board
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- has posted 24 stories and 36 replies on question of the week
- They liked 534 pictures, 20 links, 1 talk posts, and 37 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
it won't go right

so I can't be arsed to do anything else to it
and then it goes and FP's, how typical is that?
(Sun 16th Jan 2005, 23:20, More)

so I can't be arsed to do anything else to it
and then it goes and FP's, how typical is that?
(Sun 16th Jan 2005, 23:20, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Babysitters
When I was really tiny, I was babysat by Phil Lynott for half an hour or so
He was married to the daughter of Leslie Crowther, who's mother was a friend and neighbour of my grandparents.
Apparently the whole family were visiting and I got left in his care for 30 mins or so when the rest went out into the garden.
Sadly i was too young to realise the awesomeness of the guy, and my grandparents are no longer with us to give me more details :~(
(Sun 31st Oct 2010, 19:22, More)
When I was really tiny, I was babysat by Phil Lynott for half an hour or so
He was married to the daughter of Leslie Crowther, who's mother was a friend and neighbour of my grandparents.
Apparently the whole family were visiting and I got left in his care for 30 mins or so when the rest went out into the garden.
Sadly i was too young to realise the awesomeness of the guy, and my grandparents are no longer with us to give me more details :~(
(Sun 31st Oct 2010, 19:22, More)
» Rubbish Towns
I live in the "lovely" town of Weston-super-Mare
A seaside resort for the denzens of the council estates of birmingham.
It also had at last count, 14% of the drink/drug rehab beds in the entire country... more than manchester, liverpool and london put together!
A large proportion of these lovely individuals, mostly ones that fail to be rehabilitated, stay here after their program.. enticed by the plentiful supply of drugs supplied by the dealers that congregate here following the junkies.
If you get the opportunity to visit, I can only recommend you turn it down.
(Thu 29th Oct 2009, 11:58, More)
I live in the "lovely" town of Weston-super-Mare
A seaside resort for the denzens of the council estates of birmingham.
It also had at last count, 14% of the drink/drug rehab beds in the entire country... more than manchester, liverpool and london put together!
A large proportion of these lovely individuals, mostly ones that fail to be rehabilitated, stay here after their program.. enticed by the plentiful supply of drugs supplied by the dealers that congregate here following the junkies.
If you get the opportunity to visit, I can only recommend you turn it down.
(Thu 29th Oct 2009, 11:58, More)
» World's Sickest Joke
doctor walks int George Bests room,
he says "i've got some good news and some bad news, the bad news is that you only have an hour to live,...the good news is that it's happy hour"
(Tue 13th Dec 2005, 19:45, More)
doctor walks int George Bests room,
he says "i've got some good news and some bad news, the bad news is that you only have an hour to live,...the good news is that it's happy hour"
(Tue 13th Dec 2005, 19:45, More)
» Claims to Fame
I met John Noakes and Shep when he was judging a carnival
I was on the winning float, and got the pleasure of being licked by shep
a top experience for a seven year old
I was part of a gang which threw eggs at Bros when they were at the Radio 1 roadshow, prompting Phillip Schofield to call us all "a pack of wankers"
and I took part in a failed attempt to make the worlds biggest sandcastle
Norris McWhirter even showed up
(Thu 24th Feb 2005, 17:52, More)
I met John Noakes and Shep when he was judging a carnival
I was on the winning float, and got the pleasure of being licked by shep
a top experience for a seven year old
I was part of a gang which threw eggs at Bros when they were at the Radio 1 roadshow, prompting Phillip Schofield to call us all "a pack of wankers"
and I took part in a failed attempt to make the worlds biggest sandcastle
Norris McWhirter even showed up
(Thu 24th Feb 2005, 17:52, More)
» The Meaning Of Giff
That feeling you get when you look at spazz inducing GIFs
That GIF left me feeling a bit ubley
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 15:33, More)
That feeling you get when you look at spazz inducing GIFs
That GIF left me feeling a bit ubley
(Mon 30th Apr 2018, 15:33, More)