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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Weird Traditions
In the car
Whenever i am in the car, with anyone really. It has always been tradition to hold your breath all the way through the saltash tunnel. Now, for thoose of you who dont know this is a very very very long tunnel that leads to the tamar bridge. Needles to say when the traffic is busy many a number of people have nearly passed out
(Sun 31st Jul 2005, 15:53, More)
In the car
Whenever i am in the car, with anyone really. It has always been tradition to hold your breath all the way through the saltash tunnel. Now, for thoose of you who dont know this is a very very very long tunnel that leads to the tamar bridge. Needles to say when the traffic is busy many a number of people have nearly passed out
(Sun 31st Jul 2005, 15:53, More)
» Petty Sabotage
My old I.C.T teacher...
My old I.C.T teacher was one of thoose guys who didnt care about network security, but he did get pissed if you even murmored about doing somthing you shouldnt. Anyway, one day to get him back, we changed the auto-correct on office, so that every vowell produced the sentance " I am a twat". It took him about 3 days to fix it, i would love to see him explain to his year 7 tutor group why all of their names on the register had been replaced by such language, class.
(Thu 5th May 2005, 23:29, More)
My old I.C.T teacher...
My old I.C.T teacher was one of thoose guys who didnt care about network security, but he did get pissed if you even murmored about doing somthing you shouldnt. Anyway, one day to get him back, we changed the auto-correct on office, so that every vowell produced the sentance " I am a twat". It took him about 3 days to fix it, i would love to see him explain to his year 7 tutor group why all of their names on the register had been replaced by such language, class.
(Thu 5th May 2005, 23:29, More)
» Local Criminals
That bloke next door
Back in the student days I lived in this shared house with some lovely girlies (I was the only bloke, it wasn't as fun as you might think). This was in the student part of Bath, nice city full of posh twats. The bloke next door was friendly, even helped me lift the engine out of my shit-on-wheels Ford Escort one weekend. We used to chat to him over the garden wall and he was always friendly with the females, being quite young and exotically European. He moved out after about a year and we never saw him again, the new neighbors were more students.
Wake up one morning a year later to a rozzer banging on the door asking all sorts of questions about the bloke who used to live next door, fairly routine with no detail and I was too hungover and confused to really think. Jumped in the car and drove to uni, got stopped in the street by some bloke from the paper asking questions about the neighbor, then got stopped by a TV crew. No one would tell me why they wanted to know so much and I wasn't clever enough to make up a story to sell them so I told them to piss off and went to the uni.
Three days later the police announced on TV the arrest of Vincent Tabak, turns out he killed Joanna Yeats in Bristol by strangulation and had a good collection of kiddie porn. He'd moved to Bristol a year earlier, from the house next door.
It's a small world?
(Thu 29th Sep 2016, 17:56, More)
That bloke next door
Back in the student days I lived in this shared house with some lovely girlies (I was the only bloke, it wasn't as fun as you might think). This was in the student part of Bath, nice city full of posh twats. The bloke next door was friendly, even helped me lift the engine out of my shit-on-wheels Ford Escort one weekend. We used to chat to him over the garden wall and he was always friendly with the females, being quite young and exotically European. He moved out after about a year and we never saw him again, the new neighbors were more students.
Wake up one morning a year later to a rozzer banging on the door asking all sorts of questions about the bloke who used to live next door, fairly routine with no detail and I was too hungover and confused to really think. Jumped in the car and drove to uni, got stopped in the street by some bloke from the paper asking questions about the neighbor, then got stopped by a TV crew. No one would tell me why they wanted to know so much and I wasn't clever enough to make up a story to sell them so I told them to piss off and went to the uni.
Three days later the police announced on TV the arrest of Vincent Tabak, turns out he killed Joanna Yeats in Bristol by strangulation and had a good collection of kiddie porn. He'd moved to Bristol a year earlier, from the house next door.
It's a small world?
(Thu 29th Sep 2016, 17:56, More)
» Greed
I also worked at Pizza Hut...
Seriously, I worked at a Pizza Hut for two years, and left most of my soul there.
The worst thing I did though, was worked at a print unit for one week. It was good pay and I was a typical broke student, how hard could it be? A typical morning consisted of laminating 5000 posters, or folding a few thousand booklets. By the end of that week, I had permanent ink stains on my hands, RSI in my back and arms, and fingers that looked like I had shoved my hands into a shredder...
(Sun 17th Apr 2011, 23:31, More)
I also worked at Pizza Hut...
Seriously, I worked at a Pizza Hut for two years, and left most of my soul there.
The worst thing I did though, was worked at a print unit for one week. It was good pay and I was a typical broke student, how hard could it be? A typical morning consisted of laminating 5000 posters, or folding a few thousand booklets. By the end of that week, I had permanent ink stains on my hands, RSI in my back and arms, and fingers that looked like I had shoved my hands into a shredder...
(Sun 17th Apr 2011, 23:31, More)