b3ta.com user AlphaDog
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Best answers to questions:

» Your Revenge Stories

Some old Greek twunt down the street bought the house next to ours... built units on it, and cut down all OUR trees within a foot or so of the fenceline while we were out.

We pissed in the airvents of his car (an expensive Mercedes), and chucked eggs and stuff down there, too.

Every weekend for two years.

It wasn't clever, but it was damned effective.
(Sat 15th May 2004, 11:14, More)

» Shoddy Presents

My brother (younger) is a tightarse when it comes to presents, so Imagine my surprise when I find a nicely-wrapped, large, and extremely heavy pressie on my 21st birthday morning. I unwrap it to find... a spare wheel/tyre... covered in rust and grime... which until recently had been living in the boot of my car.


My girlfriend of nearly 5 years has yet to give me anything remarkably good or useful. But her heart's in the right place... (seriously... I get her a lovely silver/gold watch... and recieve FUCKING BEDSHEETS).
(Mon 27th Sep 2004, 9:26, More)

» Slang Survey

specific to my mates, but
Don't know how this one started.
Fish (1) : can be used instead of any other noun, especially while drunk.
Fish (2) : appended to someone's name as a greeting, ie, "Gday, Dave" = "DAVEFISH!!"

This is based on the noise a water buffalo makes (although I have no idea who knew that or how it started):
"Meh..." : sort of a high pitched grunt, (long 'm', short 'eh'). Usually means "I don't really care but it sounds allright".

We also use a lot of 'woo', 'owned', etc, having spent too much time on the internet.
(Wed 4th Feb 2004, 3:32, More)

» World's Most Hated Food

Vegemite is not horrible. It's just that most non-aussies don't know how to eat it. Someone mentioned a SPOONFUL of the stuff *shudder*. You just put a little bit, just a little, on buttered toast. It's great.

(can you tell I'm an aussie?)

On topic, most seafood makes me want to hurl. If it smells fishy, I can't eat it... ;-)

damn, that came out wrong.
(Thu 15th Jul 2004, 7:57, More)