b3ta.com user Erica
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Profile for Erica:
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im a n00b..pliz be gentle. :P

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Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

gotta love dead babies....
Q: How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
A: With a blender.
Q: How do you get them out again?
A: With tortilla chips.
(Fri 10th Sep 2004, 17:39, More)

» The most cash I've ever carried

The most cash I've ever carried (and it was HEAVY!)
I used to be the bookkeeper for a very popular grocery store here in the states. Every morning, we had an armored truck come to take all the money we had made the previous day. They came every day but Sunday.
After one particularly busy weekend, I did the books on Monday morning and I was shocked at the total amount we brought in. I stuck the cash in 2 large armor bags and called the store manager to sign it out. When he came in the office I was staring at the bags of money (possibly drooling, I can't recall). He took one look at the money and then one look at me and he said, "Don't even think about it." The total? $165,000.
(Fri 23rd Jun 2006, 17:03, More)