b3ta.com user AmIrealcartoons
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Profile for AmIrealcartoons:
Profile Info:

Hello and welcome to my profile. which has received a totally different revamp.

What to tell you?
im a young ish fellow from the midlands.

This profile could do with some added fluffehness.
sorry for needless seams.

I am college drop out funny story and it begins here
Thanks B3TA!

This is how my profitable college career got finished i was in the library researching for art work and designs by salvador dali for a crappy concept piece we had to work on.. Pfft. so i thought id kill some time on b3ta i found it whilst browsing on rathergood. which i found from a channel 4 program which i cant remember, so yes i found a certain fun game called buffy's swearing keyboard. and so i had a play. not realising the pc speaker where turned on to full volume i thought id press m.

So yes that was the end of my career


Im sorry i dont contribute to b3ta but i never have money its always spent on food.......... anyways this profile needs working on. ill do it soon

what else? i see gnops often, if you want gnoppage ask me and i shall deliver... thankyou

Thats it for now ill update sometime soon...

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» Dentists

My old dentist.. good old days. not!

I remember my old dentist i was 12 when this happened a good time back i went because i cracked my tooth on a nasty kebab from my local takeaway. anyways needless to say i cracked my tooth and it needed taking out.

On the day i sat in the chair and to my amazement it was a rather purdy lady doing to job. She told me to relax and back the chair went. "Heres the painful bit sweetie" she said, and jab the numbing agent into my gums. "ok thats the worst bit over with" Couldnt get worse could it? oh but it did!

Pliers the wonderful usage of the 1800's came out from behind her back and crunch in it went right on the tooth only i could feel this pain. So in a slurred speech i said "ow i can feel tharrrrrt mumble" "it's ok" she replied and carried on she was yanking for a good 10 minutes me screaming my head off the whole time.

Turns out the bitch got the wrong tooth and i was bleeding all over the place. As i sat up out of the chair she kindly said "would you like a lolly?" To which i replied F*ck off :D
(Sun 5th Nov 2006, 23:08, More)