b3ta.com user b34ch3r
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Profile for b34ch3r:
Profile Info:

meh first giff0r. beh proud :D

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» The Onosecond

BT's Message to Voice conversion
At the time when Bo Selecta was at the height of it's popularity, and the phrase 'you fooking minge tease' was all the rage between my mates, one boredom filled night I decided to send a message to my mate, the ironically coined 'Birdy'.

Having unwittingly sent it to his home phone number (under the same name as his mobile number), he told me the day after that his mum had picked up the phone to hear the electronic female's voice saying the retrospecitvely-shite phrase.

A nervous drive home ensued, with the occasional glance fro his mum in the carefully-positioned mirror of the car and the embarrased snigger from me.

Funny how this stemmed about 3 months of 'your mum insults between our 'circle' and the fact that she is a minge tease.
(Thu 26th May 2005, 15:53, More)

» Claims to Fame

the itchiest crotch in the Northern Hemisphere.
(Mon 28th Feb 2005, 4:44, More)

» Lies Your Parents Told You

the gran of doom
this wasn't my parent, but i was in the great ol' North staffs hospital when a boy started runnin about and screaming. JUmping up to her feet, what must have been his gran said ' sit down and shut up - otherwise they'll keep you'

This is one of the most evillist yet thoruoghly humorous lies I have ever heard. And guess what - it worked!
(Mon 19th Jan 2004, 17:59, More)