Profile for techierob:
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Best answers to questions:
- a member for 21 years, 0 months and 28 days
- has posted 2209 messages on the main board
- (of which 1 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 1 messages on the talk board
- has posted 1 messages on the links board
- has posted 3 stories and 0 replies on question of the week
- They liked 49 pictures, 2 links, 0 talk posts, and 4 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» World's Sickest Joke
Q: How do you crucify a spastic?
A: On a Swastika
(Fri 10th Sep 2004, 17:10, More)
Q: How do you crucify a spastic?
A: On a Swastika
(Fri 10th Sep 2004, 17:10, More)
» Claims to Fame
quite a prominent picture of me on the inside sleeve of a morbid angel live album..
..and I once wrote a couple of chapters for a friends of ed book
(Fri 25th Feb 2005, 10:26, More)
quite a prominent picture of me on the inside sleeve of a morbid angel live album..
..and I once wrote a couple of chapters for a friends of ed book
(Fri 25th Feb 2005, 10:26, More)
» Scars with history
I was about 15 I had an abject fascination with exploding things. So after borrowing the necessary ingredients from the chemistry labs, I made some potassium nitrate, rammed it in an old cigar tube and packed a banger in the top. I was feeling rather pleased with myself 'til I noticed a slight leak around the fuse, so I struck upon the idea of sealing the gap with wax.
btw, if anyone's considering building a pipe-bomb, then don't hold a lit candle over the fuse if you happen to be in a small locked room at the time.
I was a bit lucky that the fuse blew out away from the palm of my hand. Other than some nasty cuts on my left hand and a cropped mullet where my scalp had got burned, I got away rather lightly.
(Fri 4th Feb 2005, 13:54, More)
I was about 15 I had an abject fascination with exploding things. So after borrowing the necessary ingredients from the chemistry labs, I made some potassium nitrate, rammed it in an old cigar tube and packed a banger in the top. I was feeling rather pleased with myself 'til I noticed a slight leak around the fuse, so I struck upon the idea of sealing the gap with wax.
btw, if anyone's considering building a pipe-bomb, then don't hold a lit candle over the fuse if you happen to be in a small locked room at the time.
I was a bit lucky that the fuse blew out away from the palm of my hand. Other than some nasty cuts on my left hand and a cropped mullet where my scalp had got burned, I got away rather lightly.
(Fri 4th Feb 2005, 13:54, More)