b3ta.com user DO_NOT_LOGON
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» Booze Related Disasters

Woke up in an animal experiment lab
Cambridge. We'd been crashing grad parties. Must have took a wrong turn heading home, ended up on a deserted country lane in the pitch black - about 3AM. Remember seeing this blurry light - I stumbled towards it.

Managed to focus on the light, it was a fire escape door.. I'd entered some kind of hi-tech facility - big barbed wire fences, security cameras, all that stuff. Made it up the fireescape stairs, started banging on the window...

A Scientist in a white coat came to the door and let me in. I thought I was on a spaceship, or in a James Bond movie. Theres all these animals in cages with probes and monitors and lab equipment around.

Scientist guy (who was nice, not evil) called a cab for me.

Found out later this was one of the university genetic `experiment` labs outside the town. The sort of place where they sew monkeys heads onto giraffes and clone sheep and stuff.
(Fri 19th Mar 2004, 15:07, More)