b3ta.com user dulancs
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» My Wanking Disasters

Projectile motion
Whilst enduring the delights of secondary school, a kid in the year below managed to be expelled after being caught knocking one out. He was aiming out of a second-floor window at the time. Not sure if it hit anyone.

(Apologies for girth)
(Thu 3rd Jun 2004, 22:30, More)

» My Wanking Disasters

Superhero (Re Mistafeesh)
A superhero who spurts fire from his cock. He shall henceforth be known as Japs-eyeclops.
(Thu 3rd Jun 2004, 14:22, More)

» My Worst Vomit

The Chef
There was the time I beat my own personal drinking record at a friend's houseparty. The morning after we decided upon a Little Chef breakfast. After consuming an entire Olympic Breakfast (with extras) I wandered out to my friend's car. After a few minutes of sitting there, I began to feel a burning sensaton in my stomach. Excusing myself I walked back inside the resturant. However, I could not wait. Have you ever had the pleasure of holding vomit inside your mouth? Now, imagine doing so in front of a packed resturant. i believe I resembled a blowfish. I ran to the toilet and... let go. Imagine a fountain, or one of those geysers you see in Iceland (not the supermarket).It was everywhere - mirrors, walls, floor - and ceiling. I then calmly walked out, smiling as I went. I have never returned there since...
(Thu 19th Aug 2004, 23:55, More)

» World's Most Hated Food

A 'meat substitute' made up of fungus grown in a vat. I'm not even sure that can be classed as food.
(Wed 14th Jul 2004, 11:15, More)