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» Your Revenge Stories
When I was 17 I worked for Gateway foodmarkets..........
and we had a right twunt of a manager named Mr Wigginton, he was a complete lech, and he'd sit up in the little cash office at the front of the shop all day perving out on us girls, and filling the room with his stinkbreath.
Anyway one day as usual he sent me out to McDonalds to fetch his lunch for him, great use of company time eh sending staff to fetch your lunch?
On the way back there was this old granny walking her stinky dog in front of me, and I noticed said pooch had a shall we say sloppy rear orifice? This gave me an idea for revenge, so I took his straw ( this was the days before they came with paper covers ) and bent down to stroke said dog, and well umm inserted the straw in previously mentioned orifice.
Popped the straw brown end down into sirs chocolate milkshake, and served it up with a big smile for him. I told a few of the other girls and we sat chuckling watching him slurp down his extra thick milkshake hehehehe
(Fri 14th May 2004, 18:32, More)
When I was 17 I worked for Gateway foodmarkets..........
and we had a right twunt of a manager named Mr Wigginton, he was a complete lech, and he'd sit up in the little cash office at the front of the shop all day perving out on us girls, and filling the room with his stinkbreath.
Anyway one day as usual he sent me out to McDonalds to fetch his lunch for him, great use of company time eh sending staff to fetch your lunch?
On the way back there was this old granny walking her stinky dog in front of me, and I noticed said pooch had a shall we say sloppy rear orifice? This gave me an idea for revenge, so I took his straw ( this was the days before they came with paper covers ) and bent down to stroke said dog, and well umm inserted the straw in previously mentioned orifice.
Popped the straw brown end down into sirs chocolate milkshake, and served it up with a big smile for him. I told a few of the other girls and we sat chuckling watching him slurp down his extra thick milkshake hehehehe
(Fri 14th May 2004, 18:32, More)