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» Your Revenge Stories
Seeing all these posts about the things that have been done to people whilst passed out drunk, reminded me of something. I worked out in Spain in 1988 for a season. There were 7 blokes sharing a 4 bed apartment - nice... Anyway one of the guys (W.) used to get so arseholed every night on tequila, that he would literally pass out on his bed, however before he'd do this he'd make a huge mess in the kitchen and swear blind in the morning that it wasn't him, because he couldn't remember doing it. Anyway, one night J. had had enough, so when W. did his usual and passed out, bollo, on his metal framed bed, J. decided he would act. He proceeeded to use gaffa tape and string to firmly tie W. down. The resulting noise and screaming mess when W. woke up in the morning, dying for a piss and feeling sick, had us in fits for weeks. Needless to say, etc, etc.
(Fri 14th May 2004, 23:21, More)
Seeing all these posts about the things that have been done to people whilst passed out drunk, reminded me of something. I worked out in Spain in 1988 for a season. There were 7 blokes sharing a 4 bed apartment - nice... Anyway one of the guys (W.) used to get so arseholed every night on tequila, that he would literally pass out on his bed, however before he'd do this he'd make a huge mess in the kitchen and swear blind in the morning that it wasn't him, because he couldn't remember doing it. Anyway, one night J. had had enough, so when W. did his usual and passed out, bollo, on his metal framed bed, J. decided he would act. He proceeeded to use gaffa tape and string to firmly tie W. down. The resulting noise and screaming mess when W. woke up in the morning, dying for a piss and feeling sick, had us in fits for weeks. Needless to say, etc, etc.
(Fri 14th May 2004, 23:21, More)