b3ta.com user If destroyed still true
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» People with Stupid Names

Stoopid Names
I order Noggin the Nog videos from a man called Loaf
(Fri 27th Aug 2004, 12:49, More)

» Your Revenge Stories

Cress, cress, lovely cress
Forgive me if similar has been posted further down the board, it has been done by many I'm sure...
A friend of mine was breaking up with her boyfriend, let's call him Pikey Wanker, and whilst she was moving her stuff out of their flat he had arranged to go away for a few days, cueing a bout of revenge.
Armed with several packets of cress seeds and a couple of watering cans my mate & I went about the task of planting cress in the living room carpet.
When Pikey Wanker returned the following week he had a lucious field of green in his front room. Egg n' cress sarnie anyone?
(Sat 15th May 2004, 16:09, More)