b3ta.com user swollensky
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» World's Sickest Joke

go on then one more while im here...
a blind man goes into a forest... as he goes on he stumbles into a stream and then decides he should feel his way around for a bridge

just as he arrives at the bridge, a bunny rabbit and a skunk dive at him and say

"you can only cross this bridge if you can guess what we are"

he feels the bunny first

"well... you have long ears, long front teeth and a fluffy tail, you must be a rabbit"

then he feels the skunk...

"you've got long greasy hair and you smell... you must be a paki"

a thank you a thank you
(Sun 12th Sep 2004, 22:49, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

1st time ever!
how do you stop a baby from turning in a small corridor?

put a javlin through its skull :)
(Sun 12th Sep 2004, 21:52, More)