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Motorsport Engineering student at coventry University.
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Motorsport Engineering student at coventry University.
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Pure Ignorance
The future of the nation
A long time past in year 11 maths. A bunch of my mates and I got into a conversation with the teacher when literature came up. After a little while old plays were descused at which point one mate ssid and I quote "So who invented shakespear anyway" And they say the young inheret the earth, Oh dear.
(Sat 8th Jan 2005, 1:49, More)
The future of the nation
A long time past in year 11 maths. A bunch of my mates and I got into a conversation with the teacher when literature came up. After a little while old plays were descused at which point one mate ssid and I quote "So who invented shakespear anyway" And they say the young inheret the earth, Oh dear.
(Sat 8th Jan 2005, 1:49, More)
» Embarrassing Injuries
Playing around with my car
Ok, So this is just plain stupid, I was checking the tred and pressure of my spare tyre, which sits in a cradle under the car. This went accourding to plan, Untill putting back into its mounting i had nearly got it on to the hook which holds its cradle when something took my attention, at which point i stopped trying to lift it, So several kilograms of wheel, and the jack that sits in the middle aswell as the metal cradle come crashing down on my hand breaking 3 fingers, So the moral is, Dont be idiotic and forget to hold heavy things when there not attatched to things
(Sat 4th Sep 2004, 1:11, More)
Playing around with my car
Ok, So this is just plain stupid, I was checking the tred and pressure of my spare tyre, which sits in a cradle under the car. This went accourding to plan, Untill putting back into its mounting i had nearly got it on to the hook which holds its cradle when something took my attention, at which point i stopped trying to lift it, So several kilograms of wheel, and the jack that sits in the middle aswell as the metal cradle come crashing down on my hand breaking 3 fingers, So the moral is, Dont be idiotic and forget to hold heavy things when there not attatched to things
(Sat 4th Sep 2004, 1:11, More)
» People with Stupid Names
Out and About
Im not sure if this is funny to anyone else, But in southend essex there is a van marked up as "Munters property sevices" Wow a service for the Ugly :)
(Tue 31st Aug 2004, 1:12, More)
Out and About
Im not sure if this is funny to anyone else, But in southend essex there is a van marked up as "Munters property sevices" Wow a service for the Ugly :)
(Tue 31st Aug 2004, 1:12, More)
» My Worst Vomit
College Vomit
I was In buisness studies, A thursday, I had done my usual shopping in the supermarket next to college for cakes and things, So I had sat in the lesson armed with a box of profiteroles a liter of chocolate milkshake and some Sponge cake. Feeling a little worse for ware, I had a sick Burp, I clamped my hand over my mouth thinking if I can get out of hear it will be ok, It wasnt every one looked at me when I stood Up and so This thing I thought was just a burp wasnt It was the full blown thing And then The worst happened I was sick some more and my hand being where it was I sprayed it all over my face, I was so Embarresed and covered in vom
(Wed 25th Aug 2004, 0:41, More)
College Vomit
I was In buisness studies, A thursday, I had done my usual shopping in the supermarket next to college for cakes and things, So I had sat in the lesson armed with a box of profiteroles a liter of chocolate milkshake and some Sponge cake. Feeling a little worse for ware, I had a sick Burp, I clamped my hand over my mouth thinking if I can get out of hear it will be ok, It wasnt every one looked at me when I stood Up and so This thing I thought was just a burp wasnt It was the full blown thing And then The worst happened I was sick some more and my hand being where it was I sprayed it all over my face, I was so Embarresed and covered in vom
(Wed 25th Aug 2004, 0:41, More)