b3ta.com user cheese toothed toucan
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Profile for cheese toothed toucan:
Profile Info:

Hi i'm soph this is a very exciting profile.. here is a very bad picture that cleo stole of me and if you wanna talk to me... dunno why you would but ah well i'm usually on sophsky ateth gmail doteth com yay

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Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

3 prostitutes in a bar, first one says
"i've had so much sex i can stick my fist up my cunt"
second one says "thats nothing, i've had so much sex i can stick both fists up my cunt"
third one says "i beat both of you... i've had so much sex i..." and she slid 5 inches down th barstool
(Sat 11th Sep 2004, 22:41, More)