b3ta.com user MadPeeps
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Profile for MadPeeps:
Profile Info:

Working hard and getting no where fast...I often find there is too much month left at the end of the money... But Hey there is always b3ta to brighten your day...I look forward to getting my 1st front page post... It will take a while cos I don't have a copy of Photoshop....Regards to all who don't know me

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

Can't be bothered looking to see if it is already there
The 12.15 Euston Express grinds to a halt as somebody has pulled the emergency cable....A distraut guard runs up and down the train twice and can't find the culprit... Very annoyed he arrives outside a toilet door which is locked... He bangs on the door and asks the occupant if they had pulled the emergency cord...

A screamed "YES" was the reply



"That's no reason to pull the emergency cord" replys the guard, "I've got piles and I haven't pulled it!"


Wah, Wah, Wahhhhhhh!
(Tue 14th Sep 2004, 19:07, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Sorry for repeating
Q. What do elephants use as tampons?

A. Sheep

Q. Why do elephants have trunks?

A. Because sheep don't have strings!
(Tue 14th Sep 2004, 18:22, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

How sweet?
Ralph turns over to Mable and says

"If I'd known it was your first time I would have waited"

Mable turns back and retorts

"If you'd waited I would have had time to take my tights off!!!"
(Wed 15th Sep 2004, 9:55, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Nursery rhymes are so quaint!!!
There was an old women who lived in a shoe
She had so many children
she could stretch her c**t over the gas stove...
(Tue 14th Sep 2004, 19:25, More)

» Local Nutters

Manchester, Worsley area
Not sure if this has been posted but there is an elderly man (late 60 early 70's) who walks around the Worsley area carrying a pedal bike above his head every where he goes.. He has had articles written about him in the local papers and no body seems to know where he's from or why he carries it above his head...
(Fri 17th Sep 2004, 12:08, More)
[read all their answers]