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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Jobsworths
Fopp Security Guard
Went into my local FOPP music store at lunchtime one day from work, after nipping to the nearby sandwich shop for a couple of cheese & ham numbers.
Got to FOPP and there's a sign that reads, 'No food or drink to be consumed on these premises'. So what eh? My sannies are in a bag that you couldn't see through.
I took two steps in the door and the security guard (for the sake or argument we'll call him 'Arse') steps up to me and asks, 'Is that food you have in your bag sir?'
Me, 'Yes, it's my lunch, why?'
Arse, 'Sorry, I can't let you in with that.'
I looked at him for a few seconds just to make sure he wasn't going to laugh. But he didn't, so I did, turned around, walked across the road to HMV, bought a cd & wrote a letter of complaint.
Two days later, I received a reply from the manageress of the store saying that he wouldn't work there again (they hire from an agency) and enclosed a £20 voucher for her store.
Back of the net!
(Thu 12th May 2005, 16:42, More)
Fopp Security Guard
Went into my local FOPP music store at lunchtime one day from work, after nipping to the nearby sandwich shop for a couple of cheese & ham numbers.
Got to FOPP and there's a sign that reads, 'No food or drink to be consumed on these premises'. So what eh? My sannies are in a bag that you couldn't see through.
I took two steps in the door and the security guard (for the sake or argument we'll call him 'Arse') steps up to me and asks, 'Is that food you have in your bag sir?'
Me, 'Yes, it's my lunch, why?'
Arse, 'Sorry, I can't let you in with that.'
I looked at him for a few seconds just to make sure he wasn't going to laugh. But he didn't, so I did, turned around, walked across the road to HMV, bought a cd & wrote a letter of complaint.
Two days later, I received a reply from the manageress of the store saying that he wouldn't work there again (they hire from an agency) and enclosed a £20 voucher for her store.
Back of the net!
(Thu 12th May 2005, 16:42, More)
» Singing the wrong words
Remembered a couple more:
My mate's gran, may she rest in peace, thought that super Sabrina from the 80's one hit wonder, 'Boys, boys, boys' was 'Boing, boing, boing'. I thought that was quite apt.
Fraggle Rock:
'Down at Fraggle Rock,
Grab a fraggle by the cock,
Swing him round your head...
Now that fraggle's dead.'
(Thu 27th Jan 2005, 12:29, More)
Remembered a couple more:
My mate's gran, may she rest in peace, thought that super Sabrina from the 80's one hit wonder, 'Boys, boys, boys' was 'Boing, boing, boing'. I thought that was quite apt.
Fraggle Rock:
'Down at Fraggle Rock,
Grab a fraggle by the cock,
Swing him round your head...
Now that fraggle's dead.'
(Thu 27th Jan 2005, 12:29, More)
» Singing the wrong words
Get your rocks....
Another Primal Scream one. The same song that Chillum mentions; Rocks.
"Get your rocks off,
Get your rocks off honey,
Take them down down,
Get a muff downtown...'
(Thu 27th Jan 2005, 14:23, More)
Get your rocks....
Another Primal Scream one. The same song that Chillum mentions; Rocks.
"Get your rocks off,
Get your rocks off honey,
Take them down down,
Get a muff downtown...'
(Thu 27th Jan 2005, 14:23, More)
» Singing the wrong words
I could have sworn the chorus to Lenny Kravitz' 'Rock and Roll is Dead' was actually, 'Fuckin Foal is Dead'....
(Thu 27th Jan 2005, 12:24, More)
I could have sworn the chorus to Lenny Kravitz' 'Rock and Roll is Dead' was actually, 'Fuckin Foal is Dead'....
(Thu 27th Jan 2005, 12:24, More)