b3ta.com user unbeknownst2u
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don't really know what to say here. i just hope i can post before the question closes, because i have a good sick joke.

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Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

A man takes his daughter with him to the barber shop. She's happily eating a snack cake while her father sits in the chair. Unfortunately, she keeps getting closer and closer so she can see what's going on, but she's mostly getting in the barber's way.

Barber: "Honey, watch out now, I need some room."

The girl steps back a bit, only to come closer within a minute or two, still eating the snack cake.

Barber: "Look out now, you're in the way."

Again, the girl steps back, but comes closer again shortly afterward.

Finally the barber has had enough. Needing to get her to stay out of his way, he says with frustration, "You know, you're going to get hair on your Twinkie."

To which the young girl perks up and replies, "I know, and I'm gonna get boobs, too!"
(Wed 15th Sep 2004, 6:38, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

as I'm bisexual, I think I'm entitled to tell these.
What do you call a closet with a few lesbians in it?

Liquor cabinet.

What do you call two lesbians in a canoe?

Fur traders.

What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?

(Tue 14th Sep 2004, 22:52, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Q: Three tampons are coming down the street towards you, a super plus, a regular, and a light. Which one talks to you first?

A: None of them. They're all stuck up cunts.

Also, it would be a pretty sick joke if George W. Bush gets re-elected.
(Tue 14th Sep 2004, 22:42, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

not quite sick, but still funny
Q: What did one saggy tit say to the other?

A: "If we don't get some support soon, they'll think we're nuts!"


Q: What did one lesbian vampire say to the other?

A: "See you next month."
(Tue 14th Sep 2004, 22:49, More)