b3ta.com user lo_ho_ho_la
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» Beautiful Moments

I've thought of something else.
I think anyone living in Canada can agree with me, this is probably one of the most beautiful countries.
Living in Western Canada I only have a short drive to get the the Rockies and can see them from my window. And going up there during the winter and seeing the humungous pristine walls of snow and ice hanging from cliff edges is without a doubt nature at its finest. (Not to mention the amazing skiing that's close by!)
Hiking through the wilderness where there isn't even a hint of a path, knowing that you're probably the only human to have ever stepped in those exact spots, and if you're lucky you can spot the wildlife, like seeing a grizzly bear and her cubs playing by the river (quite a shock and somewhat frightening, let me tell you).
Walking through the old growth forests in Vancouver knowing that those trees have been there for hundreds, and maybe thousands of years. Before humans even came to the land.
But probably the best is being able to see the Northern Lights from my front porch. They really are quite spectacular.
There are so many more but this can only be so long.
(Sun 13th Mar 2005, 19:34, More)

» Beautiful Moments

Two days of beautiful moments.
After sitting around in a friend's basement for a while we decided to let off some of our youthful energy (it being the summer and us being teenagers, and there being no curfews of course). We fashioned some fake weapons out of cardboard boxes and duct tape and went to the nearby field and ran around like maniacs pretending we were spys and such, mind you many of us would have been completely mortified if anyone from our schools had seen.
Being able to act like a kid when everyone around you is trying to act as mature as possible was unimaginably fun.
But what made it beatiful was that after the games and the fun the lot of us laid down in the field and watched the skys and realised it was a meteor shower, so we stared in awe of the shooting stars and talked absolutely openly about everything. It was amazing.
The next day was a friends birthday so we decided to celebrate it by sleeping outside to watch the second half of the meteor shower.
The most memorable moment of the whole two days was waking up outside in the morning and feeling the sun warming your whole body and the moment you open your eyes seeing a gorgeous clear sky, surrounded by your best friends and knowing at the time it was the best time of your so far short life.
(Sun 13th Mar 2005, 6:33, More)