b3ta.com user harangue
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» World's Sickest Joke

another one!
Whats brown and furry on the outside, soft moist and tastes good on the inside, begins with "C" and with "T", and have a "U" and an "N" in it?

A Coconut!

(Wed 7th Dec 2005, 16:05, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Swedish Chemist
Not sick, but a fav of mine...

A man walks into a chemist in Sweden and says "Scuuse mee, eye'd lyke tu bye sum deohderhant pleez"

The Chemist replies "Sir-tan-lee! wot kynde? ball? or Aresole?"

Man replies "Neither! i vant it four mi arempits!"

Sorry, my Swedish is kinda rusty. *Vows never to post again (but intends to post many many!)*
(Wed 7th Dec 2005, 16:40, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Another Joke
Dodi (or however u spell his name) and Di couldnt figure out where to spend the night. Dodi wanted to stay at the hilton (being the rich bastard he is) and Di wantedto find a ritz for some high class asction. Their arguemtn got more heated until the driver suggested they justcrashed there for the night...

(Thu 8th Dec 2005, 18:25, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Baby jokes!
Why did the baby stop crying?
cos i smacked it with a shovel!

Why didnt the baby eat its dinner?
Cos i nailed its face to the table!

Why do you lower a baby feet first into a blender?
So u can sum on its face!

Why couldnt the baby get through the door?
Cos it had a spear through its head!

Whats blue and orange and lays at the bottom of a swimmnig pool?
A baby with burst armbands!

Whats Pink and red and sits in the corner crying?
A baby with a razor blade...

Whats green, smelly and silently sits in the same corner?
Same baby 6 months later!

"So a Father, mother, son, daughter and baby boy walk into a talent scouts office..."
(Wed 7th Dec 2005, 16:15, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

My Fav
What do you call an all black abortion clinic?

Crime Stoppers!!

First post, and no, im not in the Klan *takes off unusually large pointy white hat*
(Wed 7th Dec 2005, 16:04, More)
[read all their answers]