Profile for 100% kitten:

Please look at my second ever flash. Please? No? What about my my fourth ever flash then?
I helped Sunshine Elephant make the b3tahotel - you should visit it!
I once investigated the henginess of biscuits when I was bored: clicky. Kerrang, the magazine of leather trousers and poodle perms, called me a weirdy - hurrah!
my favourite insult ever
I would like to think that I have become a pioneer of FACT and the use of percentages in expressing FACT since I saw this (and if sunshine elephant tries to tell you otherwise, ignore him) :
SOS. Help! Hong Kong terrorist kill the Hong Kong people, The devil machine made in UK.
(as found by indole ring originally. It also originally said 100% of FACT, but the devil machine won't let them state such truths)

Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
[read all their answers]
- a member for 22 years, 8 months and 16 days
- has posted 10601 messages on the main board
- (of which 40 have appeared on the front page)
- has posted 2868 messages on the talk board
- has posted 3 messages on the links board
- (including 1 links)
- has posted 7 stories and 5 replies on question of the week
- They liked 30 pictures, 1 links, 112 talk posts, and 76 qotw answers.
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Please look at my second ever flash. Please? No? What about my my fourth ever flash then?
I helped Sunshine Elephant make the b3tahotel - you should visit it!
I once investigated the henginess of biscuits when I was bored: clicky. Kerrang, the magazine of leather trousers and poodle perms, called me a weirdy - hurrah!
my favourite insult ever
I would like to think that I have become a pioneer of FACT and the use of percentages in expressing FACT since I saw this (and if sunshine elephant tries to tell you otherwise, ignore him) :
SOS. Help! Hong Kong terrorist kill the Hong Kong people, The devil machine made in UK.
(as found by indole ring originally. It also originally said 100% of FACT, but the devil machine won't let them state such truths)

Recent front page messages:
The latest twist to the orange game

was a little too orangey for Klaus
(Wed 9th Mar 2005, 23:06, More)

was a little too orangey for Klaus
(Wed 9th Mar 2005, 23:06, More)
The walrus of lurve is here to spread some good lovin....

oh baby!
this is a bit of a work in progress that I got bored with...
(Fri 8th Aug 2003, 0:13, More)

oh baby!
this is a bit of a work in progress that I got bored with...
(Fri 8th Aug 2003, 0:13, More)
shoe-shopping can be stressful and expensive.....

clicky - looks 100% better at wallparper size
(Sun 27th Apr 2003, 0:19, More)

clicky - looks 100% better at wallparper size
(Sun 27th Apr 2003, 0:19, More)
Hairy Beary Godmother

clicky for eerie hairy beary wallparper
edit: the forest came from here somewhere, via google. not entirely sure what it is, and haven't investigated yet.
(Wed 23rd Apr 2003, 23:52, More)

clicky for eerie hairy beary wallparper
edit: the forest came from here somewhere, via google. not entirely sure what it is, and haven't investigated yet.
(Wed 23rd Apr 2003, 23:52, More)
I'll 'ave a monkey on trap 6 please, darlin'

bigness: strongly recommended by TV chef Rustie Lee
(Thu 17th Apr 2003, 0:05, More)

bigness: strongly recommended by TV chef Rustie Lee
(Thu 17th Apr 2003, 0:05, More)
Alex had amazing and mysterous powers....

clicky for bigger & betterer (400ish kb)
(Sun 2nd Feb 2003, 22:40, More)

clicky for bigger & betterer (400ish kb)
(Sun 2nd Feb 2003, 22:40, More)

London b3tans and b3tans able to get to London come and drink beer on Friday - it's in the pub scheduler!
(Sun 26th Jan 2003, 11:47, More)

London b3tans and b3tans able to get to London come and drink beer on Friday - it's in the pub scheduler!
(Sun 26th Jan 2003, 11:47, More)
As much as Clifford loved him.....

Sometimes he couldn't help wishing he had never stolen the baby
(Tue 24th Sep 2002, 19:23, More)

Sometimes he couldn't help wishing he had never stolen the baby
(Tue 24th Sep 2002, 19:23, More)
Cross-pollination of sunflower with Lion 'juice' =

Sun-Lion - rarrrrrr!
(Thu 5th Sep 2002, 19:49, More)

Sun-Lion - rarrrrrr!
(Thu 5th Sep 2002, 19:49, More)
But, I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? ...
... I make you laugh?
I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?

Sorry, I can't put any more effort into it than that today, I think I've got major 2 day b3tan-lag
(Sun 18th Aug 2002, 16:01, More)
... I make you laugh?
I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?

Sorry, I can't put any more effort into it than that today, I think I've got major 2 day b3tan-lag
(Sun 18th Aug 2002, 16:01, More)
When penguins learn to fly........

Look at him go! Look at his little face!
is that too huge?
(Wed 7th Aug 2002, 21:09, More)

Look at him go! Look at his little face!
is that too huge?
(Wed 7th Aug 2002, 21:09, More)
Penguins like to attack unsuspecting harder birds with custard bombs

sorry I was doing something else when I got distracted by this and it made me chuckle, so there
(Mon 15th Jul 2002, 18:29, More)

sorry I was doing something else when I got distracted by this and it made me chuckle, so there
(Mon 15th Jul 2002, 18:29, More)
Best answers to questions:
» Clients Are Stupid
not a client
but a friend of mine asked her dad when they had a puncture why the flat bit of the tyre was always at the bottom....
(Mon 29th Dec 2003, 0:01, More)
not a client
but a friend of mine asked her dad when they had a puncture why the flat bit of the tyre was always at the bottom....
(Mon 29th Dec 2003, 0:01, More)
» Old People Talk Bollocks
My Grandma recently had an outpatients appointment
When she left she told my aunt in amazement "oooh, they have black doctors now".
When this story was being related to me, she pointed out that "well, he wasn't brown, he was just a bit mucky".
(He was indian)
disclaimer: she lives in a very small village
(Thu 11th Mar 2004, 20:07, More)
My Grandma recently had an outpatients appointment
When she left she told my aunt in amazement "oooh, they have black doctors now".
When this story was being related to me, she pointed out that "well, he wasn't brown, he was just a bit mucky".
(He was indian)
disclaimer: she lives in a very small village
(Thu 11th Mar 2004, 20:07, More)
» Never Meet Your Heroes
I saw Jarvis Cocker wandering up the road one morning
he was dressed like a tramp and pushing a pram.
I was so very, very fond of him when I was younger that I will let it pass this once.
(Mon 29th May 2006, 1:41, More)
I saw Jarvis Cocker wandering up the road one morning
he was dressed like a tramp and pushing a pram.
I was so very, very fond of him when I was younger that I will let it pass this once.
(Mon 29th May 2006, 1:41, More)
» Old People Talk Bollocks
My Grandad
is quite 'eccentric' (for want of a better word). He said that 100% of gibbon has "a criminal look about him" and is "a thieving cockney" we saw him in the pub one night, he left an hour or so later accusing him of stealing his fleece which later turned up at my parent's house.
He also asked my best friend if she would model "Reubens style" for him when he was going through an artistic phase.
He is more famous in the village for stating that he "stopped the germans at Brockley" (an even smaller nearby village - he was in the auxillary fire service) and for "I'll cut you out of the will" should you not buy him enough pints or disrespect the self-styled head of the family (frankly, it's difficult not to sometimes).
Also he once pulled a pair of his black pants from the washing pile, wore them for several days and put them in the wash for my long-suffering aunt, who then realised they were her knickers and binned them.
I could go on.
(Thu 11th Mar 2004, 20:28, More)
My Grandad
is quite 'eccentric' (for want of a better word). He said that 100% of gibbon has "a criminal look about him" and is "a thieving cockney" we saw him in the pub one night, he left an hour or so later accusing him of stealing his fleece which later turned up at my parent's house.
He also asked my best friend if she would model "Reubens style" for him when he was going through an artistic phase.
He is more famous in the village for stating that he "stopped the germans at Brockley" (an even smaller nearby village - he was in the auxillary fire service) and for "I'll cut you out of the will" should you not buy him enough pints or disrespect the self-styled head of the family (frankly, it's difficult not to sometimes).
Also he once pulled a pair of his black pants from the washing pile, wore them for several days and put them in the wash for my long-suffering aunt, who then realised they were her knickers and binned them.
I could go on.
(Thu 11th Mar 2004, 20:28, More)
» Worst Record Ever
free from 'Oink' comic (which, should you require any background, you can read here)
You can download the song here, if the concept of a song featuring the word 'parp' appeals, it's pinky and perky gone wrong with added poo.
me and my friends made up a dance to this to do in front of a school assembly
(Tue 2nd Dec 2003, 23:17, More)
free from 'Oink' comic (which, should you require any background, you can read here)
You can download the song here, if the concept of a song featuring the word 'parp' appeals, it's pinky and perky gone wrong with added poo.
me and my friends made up a dance to this to do in front of a school assembly
(Tue 2nd Dec 2003, 23:17, More)