b3ta.com user eladorn
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» Near Death Experiences

I had a near death experience
My friend and I decided on the morning after that it would be funny to get drunk on the leftover vodka whilst everyone was crawling out of their beds with stinking hangovers and covered their own dried sick.
It was a warm sunny morning and after using icepops as mixers and eating several blue food coloured pancakes I went to lay down in the garden.

I remember the incredible feeling of being moved or falling to another place. Leaving all physical concepts behind and following to a place of light, emotion and thought. As I was being absorbed into this new existence I heard voices back from where I had come. I had to choose, do I continue on and leave them forever, or follow the voices back? It was a painful decision but it had to be made, I turned from bliss and fought my way back following my friends voices.

I woke up to find the bastards had drawn all over my face.
(Sun 28th Nov 2004, 12:05, More)

» Singing the wrong words

Only just looked up the real lyics..
.. and found I had heard it wrong, much is the shame.

Candi Staton - You Got The Love

Occasionally my thoughts are brave and friends are few,
Occasionally I cry out Lord what must I do?
*Occasionally I call up Master make me new!
You've got the love I need to see me through.

*...of course I always hear:
"Occasionally I call out masturbate me nude!"

Have a listen yourself if you can, it makes for a much more interesting song anyway.
(Fri 28th Jan 2005, 21:18, More)