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- a member for 20 years, 0 months and 3 days
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» Losing Your Virginity
Breaking a 2 year silence
Finally after 2 years lurking without signing up I am breaking my silence!
Picture the scene - freshers week at uni, pull quite a fit girl, back to mine etc etc. Now I know what a sensitive new age guy is supposed to do, so I head south. I also know that its not supposed to be particularly pleasant, so don't complain. Things progress, we shag, nothing spectacular, but nothign disastrous either judging by what else is on here!
So anyway, we wake up at about 6.30, she decides to head home, so being the gentleman I am I walk her back to the porters' lodge, waving merrily at the rowing crews and my friends as they head off to training. Feeling pretty pleased with myself I get back to my room and look in the mirror. Only to find I have a ginger goatee. Yes, I now looked like a bearded Rob Manuel. She had indeed had the "painters in" but hadn't bothered to mention it. Obviously I knew no better at the time and thought it was normal. Took me ages to live it down at college...
And that's my excuse for never doing it since... (just kidding girls...)
Anyway, back to lurking!
(Wed 9th Mar 2005, 23:43, More)
Breaking a 2 year silence
Finally after 2 years lurking without signing up I am breaking my silence!
Picture the scene - freshers week at uni, pull quite a fit girl, back to mine etc etc. Now I know what a sensitive new age guy is supposed to do, so I head south. I also know that its not supposed to be particularly pleasant, so don't complain. Things progress, we shag, nothing spectacular, but nothign disastrous either judging by what else is on here!
So anyway, we wake up at about 6.30, she decides to head home, so being the gentleman I am I walk her back to the porters' lodge, waving merrily at the rowing crews and my friends as they head off to training. Feeling pretty pleased with myself I get back to my room and look in the mirror. Only to find I have a ginger goatee. Yes, I now looked like a bearded Rob Manuel. She had indeed had the "painters in" but hadn't bothered to mention it. Obviously I knew no better at the time and thought it was normal. Took me ages to live it down at college...
And that's my excuse for never doing it since... (just kidding girls...)
Anyway, back to lurking!
(Wed 9th Mar 2005, 23:43, More)