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» Restaurants, Kitchens and Bars... Oh my!
Lexan of green chicken
When I worked for a chain of Mexican restaurants I happened upon a lexan full of stinking green chicken. So I duly threw them in the bin but the kitchen manager threw a wobbly, ranting about costs and forced me to pull them out of the bin.
Cue ten minutes of me scrubbing them to get rid of most of the green then roasting them and absolutely drowning them in BBQ sauce.
We put them on the all you can eat buffet and lots of customers commented on how nice the chicken was - "it just fell off the bones!
(Mon 24th Jul 2006, 14:44, More)
Lexan of green chicken
When I worked for a chain of Mexican restaurants I happened upon a lexan full of stinking green chicken. So I duly threw them in the bin but the kitchen manager threw a wobbly, ranting about costs and forced me to pull them out of the bin.
Cue ten minutes of me scrubbing them to get rid of most of the green then roasting them and absolutely drowning them in BBQ sauce.
We put them on the all you can eat buffet and lots of customers commented on how nice the chicken was - "it just fell off the bones!
(Mon 24th Jul 2006, 14:44, More)