b3ta.com user donkey boy
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Profile for donkey boy:
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All you need to know is that I live in Cumbria, I hate donkeys and I call that dirty, burberry wearing, sub culture of Britain "Chavers" and not the incorrect but ever so popular "Chavs".

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» Toilets

its one of those 'not me but a friend of mine..' stories
During a maths class in year 8 (ahh, happy days) this lad asks to go to the toilet. the teacher lets him and he leaves the room. a week later, he returns.

we later found out that he did go to the toilet but had diahera (sorry, i cant spell for shit, geddit?!) and then went home to empty his stomach for a week. the poor guy endured a year of various jokes and names, and didnt dare ask to go to the crapper during a lesson again.

i think i'll go on my toilet now and try and have some kind of wacky experience so i can submit a more interesting post. wish me luck. cya soon.....
(Mon 5th Sep 2005, 19:06, More)

» I'm an expert

did anyone call for an Ostrich expert?
I used to work at Eden Ostrich World in Cumbria, and had to answer the same couple of questions about the dam birds over and over again, which I had memorised from the large number of posters dotted all over the park which none of the visiters bothered to read.

I also had to bring out a baby ostrich and let them all give it a stroke (arww). When asked the inevitable question of how old it was I always, without fail, answered "2 weeks", despite the noticeable changes in size of each one I brought out. This became a bit of an in-joke between me and a few other "ostrich experts". Happy days
(Thu 23rd Jun 2005, 17:50, More)