b3ta.com user megaskank
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Skanking for england

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Best answers to questions:

» Weddings

How to piss off your entire extended family
Had the pleasure of attending my cousins wedding in Belfast last year, quite exited about the prospect of going to Ireland for the first time (lots of guinness!)

Unfortunately, being a poor student (scum i know) i didn't have the required bottomless pit of cash required to buy my desired bottomless pit of Guinness, not helped by the fact we were staying in a rather posh hotel and it was about £3.50 a pint. To get around this inconvenience i hatched up a plan of putting every drink i bought onto a random room number, and inventing an interesting signiture (Paddy O'Keane i think) to sign for every drink aquired for me and any unfortunate bridesmaid i was leeching after.

Cue over 24 hours straight of drinking said black stuff, resulting in big pile of black sick being left in't middle of lobby floor infront of the father + mother of the bride. Not good.
Worse was the call my 'rents got after we had touched down back in england, asking why i had ran up over £300 quids worth of drinks bills and run away. There's never going to be a good excuse to answer to that question.

Still, could have been worse, one of my cousin's friends told his (Ageing, dull & Re-born christian) Father he should lighten up after being so (understandibly) stressed from sorting out the wedding, and join her for a fat line of 'shit hot' coke. There's a time and a place for everything, that not being the time or place for that question. I don't think people talk to her anymore.
(Tue 19th Jul 2005, 16:16, More)

» Turning into your parents

I'm going bald - at 21!


Curse your wicked genes father!
(Thu 30th Apr 2009, 19:32, More)

» The Credit Crunch

Best thing thats ever happened to me!
Had to leave my old job in recruitment, as you would imagine sales recruitment isn't exactly a good place to be right now. I was commuting for 4 hours a day for a paltry salary to boot, and hating every minute of it! I've now got a job 5 minutes down the road working in the public sector, on 50% more cash, working about 3 hours a day! Quality! Plus, as all I have financially is debt not savings, a drop in interest rates is most welcome :-D
(Wed 28th Jan 2009, 10:18, More)