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» My first love
My first love
His name was Bruce, and his aunt and my mom were best friends. We were six years old and we walked around the playground holding hands, and it lasted until 3rd grade, when I got cooties and he didn't like me any more. I was heartbroken! Still am, I guess. I may never get over it. (I'm 47 now)
(Sun 23rd Oct 2005, 17:12, More)
My first love
His name was Bruce, and his aunt and my mom were best friends. We were six years old and we walked around the playground holding hands, and it lasted until 3rd grade, when I got cooties and he didn't like me any more. I was heartbroken! Still am, I guess. I may never get over it. (I'm 47 now)
(Sun 23rd Oct 2005, 17:12, More)