Profile for Kamie:
20/f my name is actually Jamie.. but i like Kamie too.. I'm going to Eastern Washington University.
This is me in Las Vegas. i couldnt resisit it was just picture perfect..

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20/f my name is actually Jamie.. but i like Kamie too.. I'm going to Eastern Washington University.
This is me in Las Vegas. i couldnt resisit it was just picture perfect..

Which File Extension are You?
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Injured Siblings
My brother is 3 years older than me but still didnt understand teasing when i did..
Then when he finaly got it he would try to tease me.. like once i was grounded (i was 5 him 8) -duno why i was grounded at 5..-.. but he was by the front door taunting me 'you cant go outside'... so i punched him in the stomach.. kinda knocked the wind outa him.. 0:-).
dad taught him good, never to hit girls so i could do as i pleased with him.
(Wed 24th Aug 2005, 7:42, More)
My brother is 3 years older than me but still didnt understand teasing when i did..
Then when he finaly got it he would try to tease me.. like once i was grounded (i was 5 him 8) -duno why i was grounded at 5..-.. but he was by the front door taunting me 'you cant go outside'... so i punched him in the stomach.. kinda knocked the wind outa him.. 0:-).
dad taught him good, never to hit girls so i could do as i pleased with him.
(Wed 24th Aug 2005, 7:42, More)
» Scary Neighbours
eh not so weird
neighbors behind us trim their trees and just so happens that all the leaves fall into our yard.. over the fence..
neighbor kinda below us (we live on a hill) leaves huuge bins of cat food out so all the stray cats have food. then he'll go out kind at night and yell one of their names or sumthin.. even tho they never come..
(Fri 26th Aug 2005, 3:12, More)
eh not so weird
neighbors behind us trim their trees and just so happens that all the leaves fall into our yard.. over the fence..
neighbor kinda below us (we live on a hill) leaves huuge bins of cat food out so all the stray cats have food. then he'll go out kind at night and yell one of their names or sumthin.. even tho they never come..
(Fri 26th Aug 2005, 3:12, More)