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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Accidentally Erotic
Pretty feckin' edgy for a kids show - am I bad?
(Fri 3rd Feb 2006, 15:23, More)
Pretty feckin' edgy for a kids show - am I bad?
(Fri 3rd Feb 2006, 15:23, More)
» Restaurants, Kitchens and Bars... Oh my!
Looming psycho cook
At a pub I worked at many years ago, the cook was a proper 'Fetch The Big Net' candidate. Too spindally-tall, mad stary eyes etc.He used to empty out the UV fly catcher thing on the wall and use the contents as a 'special ingredient' Nasty. I once saw him serve a portion of dirt with some new potatoes....
(Fri 21st Jul 2006, 10:34, More)
Looming psycho cook
At a pub I worked at many years ago, the cook was a proper 'Fetch The Big Net' candidate. Too spindally-tall, mad stary eyes etc.He used to empty out the UV fly catcher thing on the wall and use the contents as a 'special ingredient' Nasty. I once saw him serve a portion of dirt with some new potatoes....
(Fri 21st Jul 2006, 10:34, More)
» The most cash I've ever carried
cash from the bank
usual stuff - got 8grand from the bank to buy a jap import Mitsubishi FTO but I forgot to get anything to carry it in, After the teller had spent 25mins counting it all out I realized how large 8grand mainly in £20 notes is. Had to walk out of the bank with a very conspicuous large envelope the size of a ream of A4 stuffed full of cash....noooo don't look at me *whistles*
(Thu 22nd Jun 2006, 12:32, More)
cash from the bank
usual stuff - got 8grand from the bank to buy a jap import Mitsubishi FTO but I forgot to get anything to carry it in, After the teller had spent 25mins counting it all out I realized how large 8grand mainly in £20 notes is. Had to walk out of the bank with a very conspicuous large envelope the size of a ream of A4 stuffed full of cash....noooo don't look at me *whistles*
(Thu 22nd Jun 2006, 12:32, More)
» It's not me, it's the drugs talking
Superhuman drinking powers
Right, 16yrs old, just finished in the supermarket on a saturday evening, me and Stumpy - wages in pocket, acid scored and dropped before we left the worked in the bakery....straight to the pub ( we knew the landlord so he used to let us drink knowing full well we were under age )Utterly spanked on LSD, 60 fags, 13 pints and 9 double vodkas - impossible for me without the acid to keep me alive,I saw jesus necking tomato juice at the bar - and because of the bar lighting I still swear he had a halo - quite freaked me out ....ahh good times. LSD is good for getting rid of colds too - you may not feel like taking it, but after coming down off a good strong trip you won't have the cold no for me anyways.....
(Mon 19th Dec 2005, 16:17, More)
Superhuman drinking powers
Right, 16yrs old, just finished in the supermarket on a saturday evening, me and Stumpy - wages in pocket, acid scored and dropped before we left the worked in the bakery....straight to the pub ( we knew the landlord so he used to let us drink knowing full well we were under age )Utterly spanked on LSD, 60 fags, 13 pints and 9 double vodkas - impossible for me without the acid to keep me alive,I saw jesus necking tomato juice at the bar - and because of the bar lighting I still swear he had a halo - quite freaked me out ....ahh good times. LSD is good for getting rid of colds too - you may not feel like taking it, but after coming down off a good strong trip you won't have the cold no for me anyways.....
(Mon 19th Dec 2005, 16:17, More)
» Your Weirdest Teacher
How many perv's
We had a selection of evil pervs as teachers at our school - three were sacked for improper behavior in 18 months, one science teacher who had a penchant for young boys and 2 Art teachers ( the whole department)that were dismissed for fixing the results of certain students who gave them 'favors' hohohoho dodgy feckin nonses.....
(Fri 11th Nov 2005, 11:49, More)
How many perv's
We had a selection of evil pervs as teachers at our school - three were sacked for improper behavior in 18 months, one science teacher who had a penchant for young boys and 2 Art teachers ( the whole department)that were dismissed for fixing the results of certain students who gave them 'favors' hohohoho dodgy feckin nonses.....
(Fri 11th Nov 2005, 11:49, More)