b3ta.com user Labradoodle
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Profile for Labradoodle:
Profile Info:

I'm a BLERK in his late 20s.

A photo is on its way, but in the meantime think the body of Brad Pitt, the mind of Bernard Manning and the voice of William Hague and you won't be far off. Except about the body.

More will follow once I've passed my GNVQ in Etchasketch (Basic).

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

oooh just remembered another one but poss. bindun
What's yellow and lives off dead beetles?

Yoko Ono
(Tue 6th Dec 2005, 14:04, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

Two piles of sick are walking down the road on a Saturday night
as they do.

They walk past a pub and one says to t'other:

"Jebus - that place looks a right shit-hole..."

Says his nauseous friend:

"Don't say that - I was brought up in there..."

you did ask
(Tue 6th Dec 2005, 14:02, More)