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cheerily toddering about, making sure all of the passengers are comfy and enjoying the ride.
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cheerily toddering about, making sure all of the passengers are comfy and enjoying the ride.
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» Cheating cheaty cheats
a reverse cheat, actually...
and one that i am still apt to giggle over, even though it's been 30-odd years...
when i was 7, our family was going through some very tough times; food was scarce, and a bit of sweet afterwards was even scarcer. one evening, my younger siblings and i were delightfully surprised by having the treat of chocolate pudding for dessert-- we hadn't had anything of the sort in months! and that's when my evil nature took over...
as soon as my mom left the room, i challenged the sibs to a pudding race-- whoever ate theirs the fastest won! needless to say, i didn't let on that it was my mocking laughter that they would take with them to the winner's circle... as i pretended to shovel it into my mouth, i even managed to shout things like, "hurry! i'm almost done!" and "shoot! you're faster than me!" bwahahaha...
*sigh* i can still see their little 4 and 5 year old faces, as they looked up with their little pudding-stained mugs, an expectant gleam in their eyes; they had finished at the same time, only to realize that i had an entire bowl of pudding left... which i proceeded to eat right in front of them with agonizing slowness...
oh, and the prize? well, of course, they had the honour of washing my bowl and spoon... which entailed licking up the last gobs of pudding that i so magnanimously left them along the edge of the bowl.
i'm such a fecker! i should feel bad about it, i know, but it made me giggle again, even as i typed it! no wonder they always cheated at "old maid"...
(Sat 19th Nov 2005, 2:41, More)
a reverse cheat, actually...
and one that i am still apt to giggle over, even though it's been 30-odd years...
when i was 7, our family was going through some very tough times; food was scarce, and a bit of sweet afterwards was even scarcer. one evening, my younger siblings and i were delightfully surprised by having the treat of chocolate pudding for dessert-- we hadn't had anything of the sort in months! and that's when my evil nature took over...
as soon as my mom left the room, i challenged the sibs to a pudding race-- whoever ate theirs the fastest won! needless to say, i didn't let on that it was my mocking laughter that they would take with them to the winner's circle... as i pretended to shovel it into my mouth, i even managed to shout things like, "hurry! i'm almost done!" and "shoot! you're faster than me!" bwahahaha...
*sigh* i can still see their little 4 and 5 year old faces, as they looked up with their little pudding-stained mugs, an expectant gleam in their eyes; they had finished at the same time, only to realize that i had an entire bowl of pudding left... which i proceeded to eat right in front of them with agonizing slowness...
oh, and the prize? well, of course, they had the honour of washing my bowl and spoon... which entailed licking up the last gobs of pudding that i so magnanimously left them along the edge of the bowl.
i'm such a fecker! i should feel bad about it, i know, but it made me giggle again, even as i typed it! no wonder they always cheated at "old maid"...
(Sat 19th Nov 2005, 2:41, More)