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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» World's Sickest Joke
What's worse than stepping on the dead mouse that your cat brought in? Stepping on half a dead mouse.
An idiot son of an asshole storms into an other country under false pretenses, and proceeds to ....
Oh wait, that's NOT funny
(Mon 12th Dec 2005, 16:16, More)
What's worse than stepping on the dead mouse that your cat brought in? Stepping on half a dead mouse.
An idiot son of an asshole storms into an other country under false pretenses, and proceeds to ....
Oh wait, that's NOT funny
(Mon 12th Dec 2005, 16:16, More)
» Fire!
Early childhood trauma
My sister and I were watching cartoons on Sunday morning (instead of going to church I dunno). It was the Bugs bunny one with the big hairy monster and Bugs is giving the monster a permanent with dynamite, at the moment the monster's head blew up, so did our T.V. set. We could see the flames inside the cabinet, Dad,swearing profusely, carried it out into the front lawn,it didn't really flame too much and I think it just went out by itself. Other than the shock I don't remember being too afraid at the time, and I was probably more sad at having no T.V. for a while than anything.
(Wed 9th Nov 2005, 0:55, More)
Early childhood trauma
My sister and I were watching cartoons on Sunday morning (instead of going to church I dunno). It was the Bugs bunny one with the big hairy monster and Bugs is giving the monster a permanent with dynamite, at the moment the monster's head blew up, so did our T.V. set. We could see the flames inside the cabinet, Dad,swearing profusely, carried it out into the front lawn,it didn't really flame too much and I think it just went out by itself. Other than the shock I don't remember being too afraid at the time, and I was probably more sad at having no T.V. for a while than anything.
(Wed 9th Nov 2005, 0:55, More)
» Your Weirdest Teacher
Not really strange, but...odd
I don't remember any creepiness, but I had an algebra teacher that when frustrated with the class would SLAM the yard-stick down on his desk, kinda like one of those buddist monks, sure woke me up! Also the german instructor would close my locker and giggle as I fumed at him, and he was an adult.
(Sun 13th Nov 2005, 22:39, More)
Not really strange, but...odd
I don't remember any creepiness, but I had an algebra teacher that when frustrated with the class would SLAM the yard-stick down on his desk, kinda like one of those buddist monks, sure woke me up! Also the german instructor would close my locker and giggle as I fumed at him, and he was an adult.
(Sun 13th Nov 2005, 22:39, More)