b3ta.com user i_live_in_a_bubble
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» Putting the Fun in Funeral

thanks dad!
i was sittin in the house one day a couple of years ago and my dad rings me to say that one my mates granny had died. 2 days later he rings me again and says that i should go to the funeral and so off i trot half asleep to the other side of town to the chapel. walk in and wonder where the coffin is. think nothing of it and go on in and sit down eventually to be wedged in between a load of old people. slowly realise my mates are nowhere in sight and that i had unwittingly been tricked into goin to mass. i'm not religious in the bit but im stuck there until communion when i get up and just run out the door when i had a clear path. made it to the funeral the next day where everybody had a good laugh. at least i cheered up some people! oh and my dad had made an honest mistake but my whole family still laugh at the story
(Thu 11th May 2006, 20:36, More)

» World's Sickest Joke

did u hear about the reverse exorcism...
...the devil couldnt get the priest out of the boy

told that one on a bus full of girls. needless to say i didnt get any that weekend...

although that was probably because my face :-(
(Wed 7th Dec 2005, 15:59, More)