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» Teenage Parties
Im not a klepto...
Excuse Length.
A few months back, a friend of a friend whom I had no interest in being associated with, invited us to his house for a medium sized dig. As I had expected the joint was filled with aspiring Chemical\Science engineer geeks and their significant others. Apon entry we were asked if we would like to enter a competition that was running for whom could guess within 5minutes when a particularly inebriated girl would meet her match with the vomit gods. The kitty was at about AUD$80 at this point.
Of course the only way to enjoy these types of evenings are to get rightfully sloshed and take the piss out of those whom you concider to be below you... so we did just that. Overhearing the host claim to be the worlds best Flash Flash Revolution player, I drunkenly challenged him to a duel. Upon losing, I opted to call him various derrogatory names and leave him enjoy his victory. About 2 hours into the evening a very upset host starts hasseling me in regards to a retainer wall which had mysteriously crumbled at the whim of drunken shinanegans. After truthfully denying the accusations and of course not being believed at all, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Here are a few of the stealth like events that took place in the time to follow:
** Removed the directional keys on Mr Hosts Keyboard.
** Stole a 1.125lt bottle of vodka, strawberries, and a sample bottle of champagne from Mr Hosts fridge.
** Pants'ed the complete Batman TV Series DVD Collection, the Office season 1, and very questionanle pornographic dvd.
** Made out with the vomit girls competition kitty as well as the whiteboard markers that were being used to keep tally of everyones bets.
I don't condone theft. But this guy was a total spadge.
(Thu 20th Apr 2006, 1:19, More)
Im not a klepto...
Excuse Length.
A few months back, a friend of a friend whom I had no interest in being associated with, invited us to his house for a medium sized dig. As I had expected the joint was filled with aspiring Chemical\Science engineer geeks and their significant others. Apon entry we were asked if we would like to enter a competition that was running for whom could guess within 5minutes when a particularly inebriated girl would meet her match with the vomit gods. The kitty was at about AUD$80 at this point.
Of course the only way to enjoy these types of evenings are to get rightfully sloshed and take the piss out of those whom you concider to be below you... so we did just that. Overhearing the host claim to be the worlds best Flash Flash Revolution player, I drunkenly challenged him to a duel. Upon losing, I opted to call him various derrogatory names and leave him enjoy his victory. About 2 hours into the evening a very upset host starts hasseling me in regards to a retainer wall which had mysteriously crumbled at the whim of drunken shinanegans. After truthfully denying the accusations and of course not being believed at all, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Here are a few of the stealth like events that took place in the time to follow:
** Removed the directional keys on Mr Hosts Keyboard.
** Stole a 1.125lt bottle of vodka, strawberries, and a sample bottle of champagne from Mr Hosts fridge.
** Pants'ed the complete Batman TV Series DVD Collection, the Office season 1, and very questionanle pornographic dvd.
** Made out with the vomit girls competition kitty as well as the whiteboard markers that were being used to keep tally of everyones bets.
I don't condone theft. But this guy was a total spadge.
(Thu 20th Apr 2006, 1:19, More)