b3ta.com user Cheesemonger
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Profile for Cheesemonger:
Profile Info:

I am a bit talentless, especially compared to people like the awesomely funny bugger Joel Veitch.

I do work for a firm that does quite a bit of amusing animation, however, being best known in the UK for the Peperami ads. You can see it at www.loosemoose.net

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» World's Sickest Joke

No Paul,

A clunt is someone who runs away from a chinese chip shop without paying.

All the best sick jokes seem to be up already, so I can merely offer a couple of excellent letters I read in Viz:

Dear Sir, according to the new advertising campaign for HSBC, the rudest thing you can do in Thailand is to show the soles of your feet in polite company. What rubbish.
The last time I was in Thailand, I shat on a ladyboy's chest while her sister wanked me off into their mother's hair.

Dear Sir, if Samantha Mumba came round while the missus was out and demanded a portion, this is the order I would do her in: arse, mouth, arse again. If I had any left, I would do her arse.

And top tips! Hippies! Don't waste money on expensive lava lamps. Simply put a torch under your scrotum and watch your balls float about in their sac.
(Fri 10th Sep 2004, 15:16, More)