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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» World's Sickest Joke
sick jokes
The police officer who shot the Brazilian on the tube has been kicked off the pub pool team. Anyone who takes 8 shots to drop the black, doesn't deserve to play!
(Sat 4th Mar 2006, 16:19, More)
sick jokes
The police officer who shot the Brazilian on the tube has been kicked off the pub pool team. Anyone who takes 8 shots to drop the black, doesn't deserve to play!
(Sat 4th Mar 2006, 16:19, More)
» World's Sickest Joke
sick joke
The Queen visits a hospital and goes through a ward, she sees a man wanking and says "whats wrong with him?" Doc says "he has to much sperm and has to do that 5 times a day. Then she sees a nurse giving a man a blow job and asks "whats wrong with him?" Doc says "same thing, but he's with BUPA."
(Sat 4th Mar 2006, 16:24, More)
sick joke
The Queen visits a hospital and goes through a ward, she sees a man wanking and says "whats wrong with him?" Doc says "he has to much sperm and has to do that 5 times a day. Then she sees a nurse giving a man a blow job and asks "whats wrong with him?" Doc says "same thing, but he's with BUPA."
(Sat 4th Mar 2006, 16:24, More)